AR System Java API

Class ARServerUser

  extended by com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextBase
      extended by com.bmc.arsys.api.ARServerUser
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ARServerUser
extends com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextBase

Interface to a particular AR System server for all API calls. Contains login (authentication) information including server information, user name, and password required to establish a session with the server plus user session information that controls the behavior of the API session.

Nested Class Summary
static class ARServerUser.ExecuteProcessActionType
          Valid values for the action type to execute in ExecuteProcessForActiveLink
Field Summary
          The admin queue RPC program number
          The default queue RPC program number
          the range for the private queue
          the range for the special queue.
Fields inherited from class com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextBase
m_CMDBproxyI, m_proxyI, proxyILock, userSession
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an ARServerUser with no members initialized.
ARServerUser(ARNativeAuthenticationInfo userInfo, String locale, String server)
          Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, authentication string, locale, and server initialized.
ARServerUser(String user, String password, String locale, String server)
          Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, password, locale, and server initialized.
ARServerUser(String user, String password, String locale, String server, int serverPort)
          Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, password, locale, server, and server port initialized.
ARServerUser(String user, String password, String authentication, String locale, String server)
          Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, password, locale, and server initialized.
ARServerUser(String user, String password, String authentication, String locale, String server, int serverPort)
          Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, password, authentication string, locale, server, and server port initialized.
ARServerUser(String user, String password, String authentication, String locale, String timeZone, String customDateFormat, String customTimeFormat, String server)
          Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, password, authentication string, locale, time zone, date and time formats, and server initialized.
Method Summary
 void beginBulkEntryTransaction()
          Marks the beginning of a bulk entry transaction.
 String beginClientManagedTransaction()
          Begin a client managed transaction.
 void clear()
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by logout()
 List<MenuItem> convertStringToListMenu(String menuString)
          Converts a string to a list of MenuItem objects
 void createActiveLink(ActiveLink object)
          Creates this ActiveLink object on AR System server.
 void createActiveLink(ActiveLink object, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Creates this ActiveLink object on AR System server.
 String createAlertEvent(String user, String alertText, int priority, String sourceTag, String server, String formName, String objectId)
          Enters an alert event into the system.
 void createContainer(Container object)
          Creates a new container with the given container instance on the specified server.
 void createContainer(Container object, boolean removeInvalidReference)
          Creates a new container with the given container instance on the specified server.
 void createContainer(Container object, boolean removeInvalidReference, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Creates a new container with the given container instance on the specified server.
 String createEntry(String formName, Entry entry)
          Creates a new entry in the indicated form on the specified server.
 void createEscalation(Escalation object)
          Creates this Escalation object into AR System server.
 void createEscalation(Escalation object, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Creates this Escalation object into AR System server.
 void createField(Field object, boolean isReservedRangeIdOK)
          Creates a new form field with the indicated name on the specified server.
 void createFilter(Filter object)
          Creates this Filter object on AR System server.
 void createFilter(Filter object, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Creates this Filter object on AR System server.
 void createForm(Form obj)
          Creates this form on the server specified in the ARServerUser.
 void createForm(Form obj, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Creates this form on the server specified in the ARServerUser.
 void createImage(Image obj)
          Creates this image on the server specified in the ARServerUser.
 void createImage(Image obj, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Creates this image on the server specified in the ARServerUser.
 void createMenu(Menu object)
          Creates this Menu object on AR System server.
 void createMenu(Menu object, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Creates this Menu object on AR System server.
 void createMultipleFields(List<Field> fields)
          Create new fields for a specified form in the ARSystem.
 OverlayPropInfo createOverlay(OverlaidInfo object)
          Creates overlay for the specified OverlaidInfo object on AR System server.
 OverlayPropInfo createOverlayFromObject(OverlaidInfo baseObj, OverlaidInfo customObj)
          Creates overlay of the specified custom object that was created at customer's environment.
 int createSupportFile(SupportFile supportFile)
          Creates a new support file with the indicated information on the specified server.
 void createView(View object)
          Creates the given View object in AR System server.
 AlertMessageInfo decodeAlertMessage(AlertMessageCriteria criteria, Object message, int length)
          Decode supplied alert message and return component parts.
 AssignInfo decodeARAssignStruct(String assignString)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by decodeAssignment(java.lang.String)
 QualifierInfo decodeARQualifierStruct(String queryString)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by decodeQualification(java.lang.String)
 AssignInfo decodeAssignment(String assignString)
          Decodes an encoded assignment String into internal data structure representation used by Java API
 DiaryListValue decodeDiary(String encoded)
          Takes an encoded diary string as input and decodes it into an DiaryListValue for easier processing.
 AssignInfo decodeDSOPoolAssignment(String encodedStr)
          Decodes an encoded DSO Pool Mapping Assignment into internal structure representation used by AR Java API
 QualifierInfo decodeQualification(String encodedQualText)
          Decodes an encoded qualification String into internal data strucuture representation used by Java API.
 void deleteActiveLink(String name, int deleteOption)
          Deletes the specified activelink from AR System server.
 void deleteActiveLink(String name, int deleteOption, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Deletes the specified activelink from AR System server.
 void deleteAlert(String entryId)
          Deletes an alert event from the system.
 void deleteContainer(String name, int deleteOption)
          Deletes the container with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any references to the container from other containers.
 void deleteContainer(String name, int deleteOption, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Deletes the container with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any references to the container from other containers.
 void deleteEntry(String formName, String entryId, int deleteOption)
          Removes the form entry with the indicated ID from the specified server.
 void deleteEscalation(String name, int deleteOption)
          Deletes this escalation from AR System server.
 void deleteEscalation(String name, int deleteOption, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Deletes this escalation from AR System server.
 void deleteField(String form, int fieldId, int deleteOption)
          Deletes the form field with the indicated ID from the specified server.
 void deleteFields(String form, int[] fieldIds, int deleteOption)
          Deletes the fields with the specified IDs from the given form
 void deleteFilter(String name, int deleteOption)
          Deletes this filter from AR System server.
 void deleteFilter(String name, int deleteOption, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Deletes this filter from AR System server.
 void deleteForm(String formName, int deleteOption)
          Deletes obj form from the server specified in the ARServerUser and deletes any container references to obj form.
 void deleteForm(String formName, int deleteOption, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Deletes obj form from the server specified in the ARServerUser and deletes any container references to obj form.
 void deleteImage(String imageName, boolean updateRef)
          Deletes obj image from the server specified in the ARServerUser and optionally deletes any references to the image obj form, depending on the value of updateRef.
 void deleteImage(String imageName, boolean updateRef, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Deletes obj image from the server specified in the ARServerUser and optionally deletes any references to the image obj form, depending on the value of updateRef.
 void deleteMenu(String name, int deleteOption)
          Removes this specified Memu object from AR System server.
 void deleteMenu(String name, int deleteOption, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Removes this specified Memu object from AR System server.
 void deleteSupportFile(SupportFileKey supportFileKey)
          Deletes the given support file from the server.
 void deleteView(String formName, int viewId)
          Removes this object on the AR System server.
 void deregisterForAlerts(int clientPort)
          Deregister a client with the server so they no longer receive alert indicators.
 String encodeARAssignStruct(AssignInfo assign)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by encodeAssignment(com.bmc.arsys.api.AssignInfo)
 String encodeARQualifierStruct(QualifierInfo qual)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by encodeQualification(com.bmc.arsys.api.QualifierInfo)
 String encodeAssignment(AssignInfo assignment)
          Encodes an internal data structure representation of qualification into String format
static String encodeDiary(DiaryListValue diaryList)
          Takes an DiaryListValue as input and encodes it into a diary string.
 String encodeDSOPoolAssignment(AssignInfo asgnInfo)
          Encodes an internal data structure representation of Assignments into String format
 String encodeQualification(QualifierInfo qualifier)
          Encodes an internal data structure representation of qualification into String format
 List<BulkEntryReturn> endBulkEntryTransaction(int actionType)
          Marks the ending of a bulk entry transaction.
 void endClientManagedTransaction(int transactionOption)
          End a client managed transaction.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Use this method for checking equality between the current object and the provided one.
 ProcessResult executeProcess(String command)
          Execute the indicated command on the server, wait it to finish, and bring back the result
 ProcessResult executeProcess(String command, boolean waitFlag)
          Execute the indicated command on the server, and bring back the result if the waitFlgs instructs the method to wait for the process to finish.
 ProcessResult executeProcessForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 ProcessResult executeProcessForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, boolean waitFlag)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 Entry executeService(String formName, String entryId, Entry entry, int[] entryListFields)
          Sends an entry to the server, executes filter workflow on the server using that input entry and then returns the output entry as the outcome of the workflow processing.
 ProcessResult executeSpecialCommand(String cmd, Object... parameters)
          Executes one of the special AR System run process commands
 List<MenuItem> expandMenu(Menu menu)
          Expands the query and file references for the specified menu definition and returns a character menu with list-type items only.
 List<MenuItem> expandMenu(Menu menu, Entry keywordList, Entry parameterList)
 List<MenuItem> expandMenu(Menu menu, Entry keywordList, Entry parameterList, int maxRetrieve, OutputInteger nMatches)
          Expands the query and file references for the specified menu definition and returns a character menu with list-type items only.
 List<MenuItem> expandMenu(String menuName)
          Expands the query and file references for the specified menu definition and returns a character menu with list-type items only.
 List<MenuItem> expandMenu(String menuName, Entry keywordList, Entry parameterList)
 String exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 String exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean asXml)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 String exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean asXml, String displayTag, int vuiType, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 String exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items, String displayTag, int vuiType, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 String exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 String exportDef(List items, boolean asXml, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 void exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean asXml, String defXmlFile, boolean overwrite)
          Exports the specified structure from the server to a file in ARSystem def or xml format.
 void exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean asXml, String defXmlFile, boolean overwrite, int expOption)
          Exports the specified structure from the server to a file in ARSystem def or xml format.
 void exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean asXml, String displayTag, int vuiType, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo, String filePath, boolean overwrite)
 void exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean asXml, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo, String filePath, boolean overwrite)
 void exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean asXml, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo, String filePath, boolean overwrite, int expOption)
          Exports the specified structure from the server to a file in ARSystem def or xml format.
 void exportDefToFile(List items, boolean asXml, String displayTag, int vuiType, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo, String filePath, boolean overwrite, int expOption)
          Exports the specified structure from the server to a file in ARSystem def or xml format.
 String formatAssignment(AssignInfo assign, List<Field> fieldList, Field assignField, boolean topLevel)
          Constructs a String object containing the string representation of a given assignment AssignInfo object.
 String formatAssignment(String form, int fieldId, String form2, Object assignment)
          Formats an internal representation of a assignment expression to a readable String
 String formatQualification(QualifierInfo qual, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext, boolean isEscalation)
          Constructs a String object containing the string representation of a given qualifier object.
 String formatQualification(String form, Object qualification)
          Formats an internal representation of a qualifier to a readable String
 String formatSetIfQualification(String form1, String form2, Object qualification)
          Formats internal structure of given qualification (used as Set-If condition of a SetFields workflow action)into a String representation
 String generateGUID()
          Generates a GUID by runninng a special AR System run process commands.
 String generateGUID(String prefix)
          Generates a GUID by runninng a special AR System run process commands.
 ActiveLink getActiveLink(String name)
          return detailed information about the activelink ActiveLink from the server
 ActiveLink getActiveLink(String name, ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information about the ActiveLink object
 int getAlertCount(QualifierInfo qual)
          Gets number of alert events that meet the specified qualification.
 List<String> getAllLocalHostIDs()
          Get all local host ID's.
 com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiConfigI getApiConfig()
 com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiPropertyManagerI getApiPropertyManager()
 String getApplicationState(String applicationName)
          Retrieves the current state of a given application.
 String getAuthentication()
          Returns the authentication string.
 List<Integer> getCacheEvent(int[] eventIdList, int returnOption, OutputInteger cacheCount)
          Returns cache event IDs that have occurred.
 int getChunkResponseSize()
          Get the chunk response size
 int getClientType()
          Get the client type
 Container getContainer(String name)
          retrieve the requested container object from AR System server.
 Container getContainer(String name, ContainerCriteria criteria)
          Returns the contents of the container with the indicated name with information specified by ContainerCriteria on the specified server.
 BigDecimal getCurrencyRatio(String currencyRatioSet, String fromCurrencyCode, String toCurrencyCode)
          Search through a supplied currency ratios string to find an entry that matches the requested currency codes.
 String getCustomDateFormat()
          Returns the custom date format.
 String getCustomTimeFormat()
          Returns the custom time format.
 String getDefaultOutputDirectory()
 Entry getEntry(String formName, String entryId, int[] entryListFields)
          Loads the entry object from AR System as specified by the entryentryListFields data member.
 byte[] getEntryBlob(String formName, String entryID, int fieldID)
          Returns the attachment that is stored in the indicated IDs on the specified server.
 void getEntryBlob(String formName, String entryID, int fieldID, String filePath)
          Returns the attachment that is stored in the indicated IDs on the specified server.
 List<StatisticsResultInfo> getEntryStatistics(String formKey, QualifierInfo qual, ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand target, int statistic, int[] groupByList)
          Computes the indicated statistic for the form entries that match the conditions specified by the qualifier parameter.
 Escalation getEscalation(String key)
          Returns detailed information about the Escalation object specified by the given name.
 Escalation getEscalation(String key, EscalationCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information about the Escalation object.
 ExtendedClassRegistry getExtendedClassRegistry()
 Field getField(String form, int fieldId)
          Retrieve the requested form field object from the server.
 Field getField(String form, int fieldId, FieldCriteria criteria)
          Retrieve and populate the form field object with the requested information from AR System server.
 Filter getFilter(String key)
          Returns detailed information about the Filter object specified by the given name.
 Filter getFilter(String key, FilterCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information about the Filter object specified by FilterCriteria and String.
 Form getForm(String formName)
          return the requested Form object from AR System server.
 Form getForm(String formName, FormCriteria criteria)
          return the requested Form object from AR System server.
 Image getImage(String imageName)
          return the requested Image object from AR System server.
 Image getImage(String imageName, ImageCriteria criteria)
          return the requested Image object from AR System server.
 int getLastCount()
 String getLastID()
 List<StatusInfo> getLastStatus()
          Returns the last operation status list.
 List<String> getListActiveLink()
          Returns a list of all (accessible) active link names in the server
 List<String> getListActiveLink(long changedSince)
          Returns names of all (accessible) active links that are modified after the given change time
 List<String> getListActiveLink(String formName)
          Returns names of all (accessible) active links that are associated with the given form
 List<String> getListActiveLink(String formName, long changedSince)
          Returns names of all (accessible) active links that are associated with the given form and amodified after the provided time
 List<String> getListActiveLink(String formName, long changedSince, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          Returns the name of all (accessible) active links that match with the given criteria.
 List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects()
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects
 List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(List<String> names)
          Returns detailed information for the requested ActiveLink objects that the user has permission to access
 List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(List<String> names, ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for the requested ActiveLink objects that the user has permission to access
 List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(List<String> names, long changedSince, ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for the requested ActiveLink objects that the user has permission to access and is modified after the give time
 List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(String formName)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects that are associated with the specified form
 List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(String formName, long changedSince)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects that are associated with the specified form and modified after the given time.
 List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(String formName, long changedSince, ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects specified by the criteria and ActiveLinkCriteria.
 List<String> getListAlertUser()
          Gets list of registered Alert users.
 List<String> getListApplicationState()
          Retrieves the list of possible application state (maintenance, test or production) that an application on this AR System server.
 List<String> getListContainer(long changedSince, int[] containerTypes, boolean hiddenFlag, List<ContainerOwner> ownerList, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          Returns the names of all (accessible) Container object that meet the given criteria.
 List<Container> getListContainerObjects(List<String> containers)
          Returns detailed information for the requested Container objects
 List<Container> getListContainerObjects(long changedSince, int[] containerTypes, boolean hiddenFlag, List<ContainerOwner> ownerList, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch, ContainerCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Container objects that match with the given criteria
 List<String> getListDisplayOnlyForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible) Display-Only forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DIALOG that are modified after the specified time.
 List<EntryListInfo> getListEntry(String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, List<SortInfo> sortList, List<EntryListFieldInfo> entryListFields, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
          Returns list of EntryListInfo objects that uniquely identify the entry objects that match the provided criteria.
 List<QuerySourceValues> getListEntryObjects(RegularQuery query, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
          Returns a list of QuerySourceValues objects that match the provided criteria.
 List<Entry> getListEntryObjects(String formName, List<String> entryIds, int[] fieldIds)
          Returns a list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria.
 List<Entry> getListEntryObjects(String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, List<SortInfo> sortList, int[] fieldIds, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
          Returns a list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria.
 void getListEntryObjects(String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, List<SortInfo> sortList, int[] fieldIds, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches, IARRowIterator iterator)
          Applies the iteratorCallback method of the iterator parameter to each Entry object that matches the provided criteria.
 List<EntryPointInfo> getListEntryPoint(long changedSince, List<String> applicationKeys, int[] refTypes, int viewType, String displayTag, boolean hiddenFlag)
          Retrieves all application entry points that match with the given criteria.
 List<String> getListEscalation()
          return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects
 List<String> getListEscalation(long changedSince)
          return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that is modified after the specified timestamp
 List<String> getListEscalation(String formName)
          return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that is associated with the given form
 List<String> getListEscalation(String formName, long changedSince)
          return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that is associated with the given form and modified after the specified timestamp.
 List<String> getListEscalation(String formName, long changedSince, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that match the given criteria
 List<Escalation> getListEscalationObjects(List<String> names, long changedSince, EscalationCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Escalation objects that match the given criteria.
 List<Escalation> getListEscalationObjects(String formName, long changedSince, EscalationCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Escalation objects that match the given criteria.
 List<ExtFormCandidatesInfo> getListExtFormCandidates(int formType)
          Returns a list of all external data source table (forms candidates).
 List<Integer> getListField(String formName, int fieldTypeMask, long changedSince)
          Returns the ids of all (accessible) fields that matches with the given criteria.
 List<Integer> getListField(String formName, int fieldTypeMask, long changedSince, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          Returns the ids of all (accessible) fields that matches with the given criteria.
 List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) fields on the given form.
 List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName, int fieldTypeMask)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) fields that match with the given criteria.
 List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName, int[] fieldIds)
          Returns detailed information of all attributes for a list of Field objects specified by the field ids
 List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName, int[] fieldIds, FieldCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information of the given attributes for a list of Field objects specified by the field ids.
 List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName, int fieldTypeMask, long changedSince)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) fields that match with the given criteria.
 List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName, int fieldTypeMask, long changedSince, FieldCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Field objects that match with the given criteria.
 List<String> getListFilter()
          Returns names of all (accessible) filters in ARSystem server.
 List<String> getListFilter(long changedSince)
          Returns names of all (accessible) filters that is modified after the provided time .
 List<String> getListFilter(String formName)
          Returns names of all (accessible) filters that is associated with the given form.
 List<String> getListFilter(String formName, long changedSince)
          Returns names of all (accessible) filters that is modified after the provided time, and associated with the given form.
 List<String> getListFilter(String formName, long changedSince, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          Returns all the name of all (accessible) filters that match with the given criteria.
 List<Filter> getListFilterObjects()
          return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects
 List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(List<String> names)
          return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects
 List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(List<String> names, FilterCriteria criteria)
          return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects
 List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(List<String> names, long changedSince, FilterCriteria criteria)
          return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects that are modified after the given timestamp
 List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(String formName)
          return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form
 List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(String formName, long changedSince)
          return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form and modified after the provided timestamp
 List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(String formName, long changedSince, FilterCriteria criteria)
          return the detail information of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form and modified after the provided timestamp
 List<String> getListForm()
          return the name of all (accessible) forms on the server.
 List<String> getListForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible)forms that are modified after the specified time.
 List<String> getListForm(long changedSince, int formType)
          return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the sepcified criteria
 List<String> getListForm(long changedSince, int formType, String formName)
          return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the sepcified criteria
 List<String> getListForm(long changedSince, int formType, String formName, int[] fieldIds)
          return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the sepcified criteria
 List<String> getListForm(long changedSince, int formType, String formName, int[] fieldIds, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the specified criteria
 List<FormAliasInfo> getListFormAliases(long changedSince, int formType, String formName, int[] fieldIds, String vuiLabel)
          Returns a list of form names and corresponding aliases that match the given criteria.
 List<Form> getListFormObjects(long changedSince, int formType, String formName, int[] fieldIds, FormCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Form objects that match the specified criteria.
 List<GroupInfo> getListGroup(String user, String password)
          Returns a list of access control groups on the specified server.
 List<String> getListImage()
          return the names of all Image objects
 List<String> getListImage(List<String> formList)
          return the names of all Image objects that are associated with the given list of forms
 List<String> getListImage(List<String> formList, long changedSince, String imageType)
          return the names of all Image objects that match the given criteria
 List<String> getListImage(List<String> formList, long changedSince, String imageType, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          return the names of all Image objects that match the given criteria
 List<String> getListImage(long changedSince)
          return the names of all Image objects that have been modified after the specified timestamp
 List<String> getListImage(String imageType)
          return the names of all Image objects of a specified type (ie, "jpg")
 List<Image> getListImageObjects()
          Returns detailed information for all Image objects
 List<Image> getListImageObjects(List<String> names)
          Returns detailed information for the requested Image objects
 List<Image> getListImageObjects(List<String> names, ImageCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for the requested Image objects
 List<Image> getListImageObjects(List<String> names, long changedSince, ImageCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for the requested Image objects and is modified after the give time
 List<Image> getListImageObjects(String formName)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Image objects that are associated with the specified form
 List<Image> getListImageObjects(String formName, long changedSince)
          Returns detailed information for all Image objects that are associated with the specified form and modified after the given time.
 List<Image> getListImageObjects(String formName, long changedSince, ImageCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for all Image objects specified by the criteria and ImageCriteria.
 List<String> getListJoinForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible) Join forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_JOIN that are modified after the specified time.
 List<LicenseInfo> getListLicense(String licenseType)
          Returns list of license info LicenseInfo for the specified type.
 List<String> getListMenu(long changedSince, List<String> forms, List<String> activeLinks)
          Returns names of all (accessible) menu that match with the given criteria.
 List<String> getListMenu(long changedSince, List<String> forms, List<String> activeLinks, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          Returns names of all (accessible) menu that match with the given criteria
 List<Menu> getListMenuObjects(long changedSince, List<String> forms, List<String> activeLinks, MenuCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Menu objects that match with the given criteria.
 List<Menu> getListMenuObjects(long changedSince, List<String> menus, MenuCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Menu objects that match with the given criteria.
 List<String> getListRegularForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible) Regular forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_REGULAR that are modified after the specified time.
 List<RoleInfo> getListRole(String application, String user, String password)
          Returns a list of roles for a user for a deployable application on the specified server.
 SQLResult getListSQL(String sqlCommand, int maxRetrieve, boolean retrieveNumMatches)
          Returns a list of rows from the underlying SQL database on the specified server.
 SQLResult getListSQLForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, int maxRetrieve, boolean retrieveNumMatches)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 List<Integer> getListSupportFile(int fileType, String associatedObjName, int supportingId, long changedSince)
          Returns the ids of all support files that match the given criteria, and the current user has privilege to the specified objects
 List<SupportFile> getListSupportFileObjects(int fileType, String associatedObjName, int supportingId, long changedSince)
          Returns all SupportFile objects that match the given criteria, and the current user has privilege to the specified objects
 List<UserInfo> getListUser()
          Returns a list of users currently accessing the specified AR System server.
 List<UserInfo> getListUser(int type)
          Returns a list of users on the specified AR System server.
 List<UserInfo> getListUser(int type, long changedSince)
          Returns a list of users on the specified AR System server.
 List<String> getListVendorForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible) Vendor forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_VENDOR that are modified after the specified time.
 List<ExtFieldCandidatesInfo> getListVendorFormFieldCandidates(String vendorName, String tableName)
          Returns information about all the columns/fields candidates for Vendor form.
 List<Integer> getListView(String formName, long changedSince)
          Returns the names of all views that reside on the provided form, and modified after the given timestamp.
 List<Integer> getListView(String formName, long changedSince, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          Returns the names of all views that reside on the provided form, and modified after the given timestamp.
 List<String> getListViewForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible) View forms (@link Constants#AR_LIST_SCHEMA_VIEW} that are modified after the specified time.
 List<ExtFieldCandidatesInfo> getListViewFormFieldCandidates(String tableName)
          Returns information about all the columns/fields candidates for View form.
 List<View> getListViewObjects(String formName, long changedSince, int[] viewIds, ViewCriteria criteria)
          Returns the detailed information of all (accessible) View objects that match with the given crteria.
 List<View> getListViewObjects(String formName, long changedSince, ViewCriteria criteria)
          Returns the detailed information of all (accessible) View objects that match with the given crteria.
 String getLocale()
          Returns the locale.
 String getLocalHostID()
          Get License host ID.
 LocalizedValueInfo getLocalizedValue(LocalizedValueCriteria criteria, LocalizedRequestInfo request)
          Gets a localized text string from the message catalog form.
 LoggingInfo getLogging()
          Returns the client-side logging information.
 Menu getMenu(String name, MenuCriteria criteria)
          return the requested menu object with information specified by MenuCriteria from AR System server.
 List<List<StatusInfo>> getMultiLastStatus()
          Returns the list of last multi operation status list.
 List<String> getMultipleCurrencyRatioSets(List<Timestamp> ratioTimestamps)
          Retrieves a list of formatted currency ratio sets valid for the time specified in the argument.
 List<LocalizedValueInfo> getMultipleLocalizedValues(LocalizedValueCriteria criteria, List<LocalizedRequestInfo> requests)
          Gets multiple localized texts from the catalog file.
 HashMap<Integer,ObjectOperationTimes> getObjectChangeTimes()
          Gets a HashMap of arserver objects and the timestamps for the last create, modify, or delete operation on each object.
 Entry getOneEntryObject(String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, List<SortInfo> sortList, int[] fieldIds, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
          Returns a list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria.
 boolean getOverridePrevIP()
          Get the override previous IP flag
 String getPassword()
          Returns the password for the user to use to connect to the server.
 int getPort()
          Returns the port used to connect to the server.
 com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy getProxy()
 String getReservedParam1()
          CAUTION: For AR System internal Only
 String getServer()
          Returns the host name used to connect to the server.
 String getServerCharSet()
          Returns the servers char set as a string.
 ServerInfoMap getServerInfo(int[] requestList)
          Returns the requested configuration information for the specified server.
 int getServerRpcQueueNumber()
 ServerInfoMap getServerStatistics(int[] requestList)
          Returns the requested statistics for the specified server.
 String getServerVersion()
          Return the version of the server
 int getServerVersionMajor()
          return the major version number of this server
 int getServerVersionMinor()
          return the minor version number of this server
 String getServerVersionPatch()
          return the patch/build number of this server
 SupportFile getSupportFile(String associatedObjName, int fileId)
          Retrieves the property of the support file that is associated with the given object and with a specific file id
 SupportFile getSupportFile(String associatedObjName, int fileId, int fileType, int supportingId, String filePath)
          Retrieves the content of the support file indicated by the key information into a local file identified by the filePath.
 SupportFile getSupportFile(String associatedObjName, int fileId, String filePath)
          Retrieves the content of the support file indicated by the key information into a local file identified by the filePath.
 String getTextForErrorMessage(int msgId)
          Returns the message text for the specified error from the local catalog (in the local language).
 int getTimeoutLong()
          Get the long timeout
 int getTimeoutNormal()
          Get the normal timeout
 int getTimeoutXLong()
          Get the extra long timeout
 String getTimeZone()
          Returns the time zone.
 String getTransactionHandle()
          For ARSystem internal use only.
 String getUser()
          Returns the user login name to use to connect to the server.
 ValidateFormCacheInfo getValidateFormCache(String form, Timestamp mostRecentActLink, Timestamp mostRecentMenu, Timestamp mostRecentGuide)
          The call provides the schema change information that can be used by Java API clients to validate it's local cache for given form.
 String getVersionString()
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by getServerVersion()
 View getView(String formName, int viewId)
          Retrieves the form view object from the AR System server.
 View getView(String formName, int viewId, ViewCriteria criteria)
          Populates this object with information specified by ViewCriteria from the AR System server.
 int getVUIType()
          Get the VUI type
 int hashCode()
          Returns the hash code value for this instance of the current class.
 void impersonateUser(String impersonatedUser)
          Enables plug-ins, midtier or other program to run as an administrator in this session, but to perform operations as a specific user (with that user's permission and licensing in effect).
 void importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.
 void importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer, int optionMask)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.
 void importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer, int optionMask, List<StructItemInfo> items)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.
 void importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer, List<StructItemInfo> items)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.
 void importDefFromFile(String filePath)
          Import all definitions into the server from given file.
 void importDefFromFile(String filePath, int optionMask)
          Import all definitions, using the given import option, into the server from given file This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.
 void importDefFromFile(String filePath, int optionMask, List<StructItemInfo> items)
          Import the provided object definitions into the server using the specified import option.
 void importDefFromFile(String filePath, int optionMask, List<StructItemInfo> items, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Import the provided object definitions into the server using the specified import option.
 void importDefFromFile(String filePath, List<StructItemInfo> items)
          Import given object definitions into the server from given file.
 boolean isAdministrator()
          Checks if the user is an member of the Administrator group.
 boolean isMemberOfBaseOverlayGroup()
          Checks if the user is a member of the Base overlay group.
 boolean isMemberOfCustomizeGroup()
          Checks if the user is a member of the Customize group.
 boolean isMemberOfGroup(int groupId)
          Return is the current user member of the specified group
 boolean isMemberOfOverlayGroup()
          Checks if the user is a member of an Overlay group.
 boolean isStructAdmin()
          Checks if the user is an member of the Struct Admin group.
 boolean isStructSubadmin()
          Checks if the user is a member of the Struct Subadmin group.
 boolean isSubAdministrator()
          Checks if the user is a member of the Subadministrator group.
 void login()
          Logs in to the server and verifies the user.
 void logout()
          Releases the user from the server, and clears the user from ARServerUser.
 String mergeEntry(String formName, Entry entry, int nMergeType)
          Merges an existing entry into the indicated form on the specified server.
 String mergeEntry(String formName, Entry entry, int nMergeType, QualifierInfo qualification, int multimatchOption)
 AssignInfo parseAssignment(String toForm, int fieldId, String fromForm, String expression)
          Parses a given readable assignment into internal structure
 AssignInfo parseAssignment(String assignString, String queryString, Field assignField, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, String form, String server, int currentScreen, boolean idOk, boolean fromSQL, boolean fromFilterAPI, int queryContext)
          Constructs a AssignInfo object given a string representation.
 Object parseFilterQualification(String form, String qualification)
          Parse a qualification that can be used with in a Filter Run If qualification
 QualifierInfo parseQualification(String queryString, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext)
          Constructs a QualifierInfo object given a string representation.
 QualifierInfo parseQualification(String queryString, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext, boolean exceptionWhenFieldNotFound)
          Constructs a QualifierInfo object given a string representation.
 QualifierInfo parseQualification(String form, String qualification)
          Parses a given readable qualification string into internal structure.
 QualifierInfo parseQualification(String form, String vui, String qualification)
          Parses a given qualification into internal structure.
 QualifierInfo parseSetIfQualification(String form1, String form2, String qualification)
          Parses a given qualification (used as Set-If condition of a SetFields workflow action) into internal structure
 void registerForAlerts(int clientPort, int registrationFlags)
          Register a client with the server to receive alert signals.
 void removeClientManagedTransaction()
          Removes a client managed transaction handle from the ARServerUser

This call is reserved for future use.
 void runEscalation(String escalation)
          Run Escalation
 void setActiveLink(ActiveLink object)
          Updates this active link on the database.
 void setActiveLink(ActiveLink object, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Updates this active link on the database.
 void setApplicationState(String applicationName, String newState)
          Sets the state of a given application
 void setAuthentication(String authentication)
          Sets the authentication string.
 void setChunkResponseSize(int chunkResponseSize)
          Set the chunk response size
 void setClientManagedTransaction(String transactionHandle)
          Sets a client managed transaction.
 void setClientType(int clientType)
          Set the client type
 void setContainer(Container object)
          Updates the definition of the given container on the server.
 void setContainer(Container object, boolean removeInvalidReference)
          Updates the definition of the given container on the server.
 void setContainer(Container object, boolean removeInvalidReference, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Updates the definition of the given container on the server.
 void setCustomDateFormat(String customDateFormat)
          Sets the custom date format.
 void setCustomTimeFormat(String customTimeFormat)
          Sets the custom time format.
 void setDefaultOutputDirectory(String defaultOutputDirectory)
 void setEntry(String formName, String entryId, Entry entry, Timestamp getTime, int nOption)
          Updates an the given entry in ARSystem server.
 void setEscalation(Escalation object)
          Updates this Escalation object on ARSystem server
 void setEscalation(Escalation object, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Updates this Escalation object on ARSystem server
 void setExtendedClassRegistry(ExtendedClassRegistry ecr)
          Sets the class extension registry object.
 void setField(Field object)
          Saves the changes made to the form field object into AR System server.
 void setFilter(Filter object)
          Updates this Filter object onto ARSystem server.
 void setFilter(Filter object, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Updates this Filter object onto ARSystem server.
 void setForm(Form obj)
          Saves the changes made to the form object into AR System server
 void setForm(Form obj, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Saves the changes made to the form object into AR System server
 Entry setGetEntry(String formName, String entryId, Entry setEntry, Timestamp getTime, int nOption, int[] entryListFields)
          Updates an the given entry in ARSystem server and fetch the entry back.
 void setImage(Image obj)
          Saves the changes made to the image object into AR System server
 void setImage(Image obj, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Saves the changes made to the image object into AR System server
 void setLastStatus(List<StatusInfo> lastStatus)
          Sets the last operation status list.
 void setLocale(String locale)
          Sets the locale.
 void setLogging(LoggingInfo info)
          Activates and deactivates client-side logging of server activities.
 void setLogInterface(IARServerLogInterface logInterface)
          Sets the log interface used by client-side logging.
 void setMenu(Menu object)
          Saves the changes made to the menu field object into AR System server
 void setMenu(Menu object, String objectModificationLogLabel)
          Saves the changes made to the menu field object into AR System server
 void setMultiLastStatus(List<List<StatusInfo>> lastStatusList)
          Sets the list of last multi operation status list.
 void setMultiLastStatus(List<StatusInfo> statusInfo1, List<StatusInfo> statusInfo2)
          Sets the list of last multi operation status list.
 void setMultipleFields(List<Field> fields)
          Saves the changes made to the form fields into ARSystem server.
 void setNativeAuthenticationInfo(ARNativeAuthenticationInfo userInfo)
          Sets the user name, authentication string, and user session authentication GUID from an instance of ARNativeAuthenticationInfo.
 void setOperationTime(Timestamp operationTime)
 void setOverridePrevIP(boolean overridePrevIP)
          Set the override previous IP flag
 void setPassword(String password)
          Sets the password for the user to use to connect to the server.
 void setPort(int serverPort)
          Sets the port used to connect to the server.
 void setProxy(com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy prxy)
 void setReservedParam1(String pParam)
          CAUTION: For AR System internal Only
 void setServer(String server)
          Sets the host name used to connect to the server.
 void setServerInfo(ServerInfoMap serverInfoMap)
          Updates the indicated configuration information for the specified server.
 void setSupportFile(SupportFile supportFile)
          Updates this support file onto ARSystem server
 void setTimeoutLong(int timeoutLong)
          Set the long timeout.
 void setTimeoutNormal(int timeoutNormal)
          Set the normal timeout.
 void setTimeoutXLong(int timeoutXLong)
          Set the extra long timeout.
 void setTimeZone(String timeZone)
          Sets the time zone.
 void setUser(String user)
          Sets the user login name to use to connect to the server.
 void setUserContext(ARNativeAuthenticationInfo userInfo)
          set user context info into an existing ARServerUser
 void setView(View object)
          Updates this view on the database
 void setVUIType(int vuiType)
          Set the VUI type
 void signalServer(Map<SignalType,String> signals)
          send a signal to the server to perform the indicated op, i.e.
 List<String> startRecording(int recordingMode, String fileNamePrefix)
          Starts API recording.
 void stopRecording()
          Stops Api Recording.
 String toString()
          Returns a string description of the object.
 void useAdminRpcQueue()
          Connect to the server using the admin queue.
 void useDefaultRpcQueue()
          Connect to the server using the default queue, which is either List or Fast queue
 void usePrivateRpcQueue(int rpcProgramNum)
          Communicate to the server using a private queue
 LicenseValidInfo validateLicense(String licenseType)
          Validates license info.
 List<LicenseValidInfo> validateMultipleLicense(List<String> licenseTypes)
          Validates multiple license info.
 void verifyUser()
          Returns user privilege flags.
 void wfdClearAllBreakpoints()
          Clear All Breakpoints
 void wfdClearBreakpoint(int bpId)
          Clear Breakpoint
 int[] wfdExecute(int mode)
          Tell the debug worker thread to begin execution
 WfdDebugLocation wfdGetDebugLocation(int depth)
          returns the current location of the debug thread
 int wfdGetDebugMode()
          Get debug mode, indicating which stopping points are enforced
 List<Entry> wfdGetFieldValues(int depth)
          Get field values
 QualifierInfo wfdGetFilterQual()
          Get Filter qualifier
 Value wfdGetKeywordValue(int kwId)
          Get Keyword Value
 WfdUserContext wfdGetUserContext(int mask)
          Get User context
 List<WfdBreakpoint> wfdListBreakpoints()
          List Breakpoints
 void wfdSetBreakpoint(int errorCode, WfdBreakpoint bp)
          Set Breakpoint
 void wfdSetDebugMode(int mode)
          Set debug mode, indicating which stopping points to enforce
 void wfdSetFieldValues(List<Entry> fieldValues)
          Set field values
 void wfdSetQualifierResult(boolean result)
          Set qualifier result
 void wfdTerminateAPI(int errorCode)
          Terminate API
 String xmlCreateEntry(String inputMapping, String inputDoc, String outputMapping, String optionDoc)
          AR System internal use only.
 String xmlExecuteService(String queryMapping, String queryDoc, String inputMapping, String inputDoc, String outputMapping, String optionDoc)
          AR System internal use only.
 String xmlGetEntry(String queryMapping, String queryDoc, String outputMapping, String optionDoc)
          AR System internal use only.
 String xmlSetEntry(String queryMapping, String queryDoc, String inputMapping, String inputDoc, String outputMapping, String optionDoc)
          AR System internal use only.
Methods inherited from class com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextBase
getCacheId, getCMDBProxyI, getContextInfoStr, getDesignOverlayGroup, getImpersonatedCacheId, getImpersonatedUser, getLocaleInfo, getOperationTime, getOverlayGroup, getOverlayObjType, getProxyI, getServerInfoStr, getUserSession, getUserSessionGuid, isCMDBProxyInContext, isProxyInContext, isProxyInMultiThreadTransaction, logApiTime, setAdminFlag, setBaseOverlayFlag, setCacheId, setCMDBProxyI, setCustomFlag, setDesignOverlayGroup, setImpersonatedCacheId, setImpersonatedUser, setLocaleInfo, setOverlayFlag, setOverlayGroup, setOverlayObjType, setProxyI, setStructAdminFlag, setStructSubAdminFlag, setSubAdminFlag, setUserSession, setUserSessionGuid
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int AR_RPC_ADMIN_QUEUE
The admin queue RPC program number

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AR_RPC_DEFAULT_QUEUE
The default queue RPC program number

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AR_RPC_SPEC_QUEUE_MIN
the range for the special queue. this includes dashboards, fast and list queues

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AR_RPC_SPEC_QUEUE_MAX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AR_RPC_PRIVATE_QUEUE_MIN
the range for the private queue

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AR_RPC_PRIVATE_QUEUE_MAX
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ARServerUser()
Constructs an ARServerUser with no members initialized.


public ARServerUser(String user,
                    String password,
                    String locale,
                    String server)
Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, password, locale, and server initialized.


public ARServerUser(String user,
                    String password,
                    String authentication,
                    String locale,
                    String server)
Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, password, locale, and server initialized. Does not specify the authentication string or server port.


public ARServerUser(String user,
                    String password,
                    String authentication,
                    String locale,
                    String server,
                    int serverPort)
Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, password, authentication string, locale, server, and server port initialized.


public ARServerUser(String user,
                    String password,
                    String locale,
                    String server,
                    int serverPort)
Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, password, locale, server, and server port initialized. Does not specify the authentication string.


public ARServerUser(String user,
                    String password,
                    String authentication,
                    String locale,
                    String timeZone,
                    String customDateFormat,
                    String customTimeFormat,
                    String server)
Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, password, authentication string, locale, time zone, date and time formats, and server initialized. Does not specify the server port.

timeZone -
customDateFormat -
customTimeFormat -


public ARServerUser(ARNativeAuthenticationInfo userInfo,
                    String locale,
                    String server)
Constructs an ARServerUser with user name, authentication string, locale, and server initialized. User name and authenication string are retrieved from the userInfo parameter. Does not specify password or server port.

userInfo - User authentication information for programs that implement the ARNativeAuthenticationInfo interface
Method Detail


public com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy getProxy()

For ARSystem internal use only.


public void setProxy(com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy prxy)

For ARSystem internal use only.


public void setUserContext(ARNativeAuthenticationInfo userInfo)
set user context info into an existing ARServerUser

userInfo - User authentication information for programs that implement the ARNativeAuthenticationInfo interface


public void login()
           throws ARException
Logs in to the server and verifies the user.

ARException - if invalid login


public void logout()
Releases the user from the server, and clears the user from ARServerUser. Call this to avoid resource leaks.


public void clear()
Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by logout()

Clears all of the references to member objects.


public void setOperationTime(Timestamp operationTime)
Specified by:
setOperationTime in interface com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextI
setOperationTime in class com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextBase


public String getUser()
Returns the user login name to use to connect to the server.

String user login name. The privileges associated with this user determine whether the API function call can be performed.


public void setUser(String user)
Sets the user login name to use to connect to the server.

user - String user login name. The privileges associated with this user determine whether the API function call can be performed.


public String getPassword()
Returns the password for the user to use to connect to the server.

String password in clear text. The API encrypts the password before sending it to the server.


public void setPassword(String password)
Sets the password for the user to use to connect to the server.

password - String password in clear text. The API encrypts the password before sending it to the server.


public String getAuthentication()
Returns the authentication string.

String authentication string, for example, the network domain


public void setAuthentication(String authentication)
Sets the authentication string.

authentication - String authentication string, for example, the network domain


public void setNativeAuthenticationInfo(ARNativeAuthenticationInfo userInfo)
Sets the user name, authentication string, and user session authentication GUID from an instance of ARNativeAuthenticationInfo. Sets the password to the empty string.

userInfo - ARNativeAuthenticationInfo that can return the required values


public String getLocale()
Returns the locale. The locale is used to find an error message (if a message catalog exists), to format date and time strings, for sorting, and for comparing values.

String locale in the form language[_territory[.codeset]][@modifier]


public void setLocale(String locale)
Sets the locale. The locale is used to find an error message (if a message catalog exists), to format date and time strings, for sorting, and for comparing values.

locale - String locale in the form language[_territory[.codeset]][@modifier]


public String getTimeZone()
Returns the time zone.

String time zone


public void setTimeZone(String timeZone)
Sets the time zone.

timeZone - String time zone


public String getCustomDateFormat()
Returns the custom date format.


public void setCustomDateFormat(String customDateFormat)
Sets the custom date format.


public String getCustomTimeFormat()
Returns the custom time format.


public void setCustomTimeFormat(String customTimeFormat)
Sets the custom time format.


public int getPort()
Returns the port used to connect to the server.

server port number


public void setPort(int serverPort)
Sets the port used to connect to the server.

serverPort - server port number


public String getServer()
Returns the host name used to connect to the server.

String server host name


public void setServer(String server)
Sets the host name used to connect to the server. After you call setServer, you must call login() before you can successfully call any method that accesses the server.

server - String server host name


public List<StatusInfo> getLastStatus()
Returns the last operation status list.

list of StatusInfo status objects


public void setLastStatus(List<StatusInfo> lastStatus)
Sets the last operation status list. Logs all status messages of type AR_NOTE_LOG_INFO.

lastStatus - list of StatusInfo status objects


public List<List<StatusInfo>> getMultiLastStatus()
Returns the list of last multi operation status list.

list of StatusInfo status objects list


public void setMultiLastStatus(List<List<StatusInfo>> lastStatusList)
Sets the list of last multi operation status list.

lastStatusList - list of StatusInfo status objects list


public void setMultiLastStatus(List<StatusInfo> statusInfo1,
                               List<StatusInfo> statusInfo2)
Sets the list of last multi operation status list.

statusInfo1 - list of StatusInfo status objects
statusInfo2 - list of StatusInfo status objects


public boolean isAdministrator()
                        throws ARException
Checks if the user is an member of the Administrator group.

boolean true if and only if the user is an Administrator.


public boolean isSubAdministrator()
                           throws ARException
Checks if the user is a member of the Subadministrator group.

boolean true if and only if the user is a Subadministrator


public boolean isMemberOfCustomizeGroup()
                                 throws ARException
Checks if the user is a member of the Customize group.

boolean true if and only if the user is a member of the Customize group


public boolean isStructAdmin()
                      throws ARException
Checks if the user is an member of the Struct Admin group.

boolean true if and only if the user is a Struct Admin.


public boolean isStructSubadmin()
                         throws ARException
Checks if the user is a member of the Struct Subadmin group.

boolean true if and only if the user is a Struct Subadmin


public boolean isMemberOfOverlayGroup()
                               throws ARException
Checks if the user is a member of an Overlay group. Members of overlay groups cannot perform actions on base-mode objects; a client can grey out parts of its UI accordingly. This method returns true if the user is a member of a non-base overlay group, or a member of both the base and a non-base overlay group. It returns false if the user is not a member of a non-base overlay group.

boolean true if and only if the user is a member of an overlay group (other than the base group)


public boolean isMemberOfBaseOverlayGroup()
                                   throws ARException
Checks if the user is a member of the Base overlay group. Members of the base group cannot perform actions on overlay or custom objects; a client can grey out parts of its UI accordingly.

boolean true if and only if the user is a member of the Base overlay group


public LoggingInfo getLogging()
Returns the client-side logging information.

Specified by:
getLogging in interface com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextI
getLogging in class com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextBase
LoggingInfo client-side logging information
See Also:


public void setLogging(LoggingInfo info)
                throws ARException
Activates and deactivates client-side logging of server activities. Logged activities include AR Filter transactions, database transactions, API calls, and Plug-in operations.

info - LoggingInfo client-side logging information


public void setLogInterface(IARServerLogInterface logInterface)
Sets the log interface used by client-side logging.

logInterface - IARServerLogInterface log interface


public String getVersionString()
Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by getServerVersion()

Returns the version of server.


public List<String> startRecording(int recordingMode,
                                   String fileNamePrefix)
Starts API recording. API recording writes API arguments and results to log files. API recording creates the files in the current working directory. The call log is named fileNamePrefix_arapicmd.log. The results log is named fileNamePrefix_arapires.log. Settings in the API configuration file can also enable API recording. But by calling this method and stopRecording() a client program can start, stop, and changes API recording during its execution.

recordingMode - bit mask that enables and controls logging
  • 0 means no logging.
  • These values set independent features:
  • 1 - enable logging
  • 2 - append log output to the existing files
  • 4 - log start and finish times
  • 8 - log elapsed time in milliseconds
  • 16 - write both the call and result information in the result log
  • 32 - do not log results
  • 64 - buffer the file output
      fileNamePrefix - String prefix for the log files. If no fileNamePrefix parameter is specified for this method, the value is the concatination of the user name, the server name, and the port number.
      the file names for the API argument and result logs


public void stopRecording()
Stops Api Recording.

See Also:
startRecording(int, java.lang.String)


public void verifyUser()
                throws ARException
Returns user privilege flags.

ARException - if user is not verified


public void createForm(Form obj)
                throws ARException
Creates this form on the server specified in the ARServerUser. The nine required core fields are automatically associated with this new form.

ARException - if form is not created


public void createForm(Form obj,
                       String objectModificationLogLabel)
                throws ARException
Creates this form on the server specified in the ARServerUser. The nine required core fields are automatically associated with this new form.

obj -
objectModificationLogLabel -


public void deleteForm(String formName,
                       int deleteOption)
                throws ARException
Deletes obj form from the server specified in the ARServerUser and deletes any container references to obj form. Depending on the delete option you specify, the form is deleted from the server immediately and is not returned to users who request information about forms. In addition, the system deletes all entries, fields, views (VUIs), active links, escalations, and filters associated with the form and all containers owned by the form.

formName - the name of the form requested
deleteOption - the option to take when the user choose to delete the form.deleteOption is a bitmask value indicating the action to take if the specified form contains entries(applicable for base forms only) or is a member of a join form. The values are:
  • Bit 0 Constants.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION: server object default delete option For locked objects, fails the delete attempt.For Forms, same as AR_SCHEMA_CLEAN_DELETE
  • Bit 0 Constants.AR_SCHEMA_CLEAN_DELETE: Delete form only when there is no dependancy and there is no data in the schema,set the bit to zero(0). This is ignored in case of a join form.Applicable for regular forms only.
  • Bit 1 Constants.AR_SCHEMA_DATA_DELETE: Delete form even if there is a dependency.All the specified forms will be deleted.only applicable for regular forms.
  • Bit 2 Constants.AR_SCHEMA_FORCE_DELETE: delete form even there is dependency.all the invalid schemas will be deleted.this option overrides deleteOption 1.
  • Bit 4 Constants.AR_LOCK_BLOCK_DELETE: delete the given object and all objects that are locked with same key.only applicable for locked objects
  • Bit 8 Constants.AR_SCHEMA_SHADOW_DELETE: delete archive/audit form even if it is enabled or part of a lock object. Applicable for both regular forms and join forms.
ARException - if form is not deleted


public void deleteForm(String formName,
                       int deleteOption,
                       String objectModificationLogLabel)
                throws ARException
Deletes obj form from the server specified in the ARServerUser and deletes any container references to obj form. Depending on the delete option you specify, the form is deleted from the server immediately and is not returned to users who request information about forms. In addition, the system deletes all entries, fields, views (VUIs), active links, escalations, and filters associated with the form and all containers owned by the form.

formName - the name of the form requested
deleteOption - the option to take when the user choose to delete the form.deleteOption is a bitmask value indicating the action to take if the specified form contains entries(applicable for base forms only) or is a member of a join form. The values are:
  • Bit 0 Constants.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION: server object default delete option For locked objects, fails the delete attempt.For Forms, same as AR_SCHEMA_CLEAN_DELETE
  • Bit 0 Constants.AR_SCHEMA_CLEAN_DELETE: Delete form only when there is no dependancy and there is no data in the schema,set the bit to zero(0). This is ignored in case of a join form.Applicable for regular forms only.
  • Bit 1 Constants.AR_SCHEMA_DATA_DELETE: Delete form even if there is a dependency.All the specified forms will be deleted.only applicable for regular forms.
  • Bit 2 Constants.AR_SCHEMA_FORCE_DELETE: delete form even there is dependency.all the invalid schemas will be deleted.this option overrides deleteOption 1.
  • Bit 4 Constants.AR_LOCK_BLOCK_DELETE: delete the given object and all objects that are locked with same key.only applicable for locked objects
  • Bit 8 Constants.AR_SCHEMA_SHADOW_DELETE: delete archive/audit form even if it is enabled or part of a lock object. Applicable for both regular forms and join forms.
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if form is not deleted


public Form getForm(String formName)
             throws ARException
return the requested Form object from AR System server.

formName - the name of the form requested
ARException - if object is not loaded


public Form getForm(String formName,
                    FormCriteria criteria)
             throws ARException
return the requested Form object from AR System server.

formName - the name of the form requested
criteria - the attribute returned for the Form object
ARException - if object is not loaded


public void setForm(Form obj)
             throws ARException
Saves the changes made to the form object into AR System server

ARException - if form is not updated


public void setForm(Form obj,
                    String objectModificationLogLabel)
             throws ARException
Saves the changes made to the form object into AR System server

obj -
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if form is not updated


public List<String> getListForm()
                         throws ARException
return the name of all (accessible) forms on the server. This will retrieve both visible and hidden forms.



public List<String> getListDisplayOnlyForm(long changedSince)
                                    throws ARException
return the name of all (accessible) Display-Only forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DIALOG that are modified after the specified time. This will retrieve both visible and hidden forms.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.


public List<String> getListViewForm(long changedSince)
                             throws ARException
return the name of all (accessible) View forms (@link Constants#AR_LIST_SCHEMA_VIEW} that are modified after the specified time. This will retrieve both visible and hidden forms.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.


public List<String> getListVendorForm(long changedSince)
                               throws ARException
return the name of all (accessible) Vendor forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_VENDOR that are modified after the specified time. This will retrieve both visible and hidden forms.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.


public List<String> getListJoinForm(long changedSince)
                             throws ARException
return the name of all (accessible) Join forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_JOIN that are modified after the specified time. This will retrieve both visible and hidden forms.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.


public List<String> getListRegularForm(long changedSince)
                                throws ARException
return the name of all (accessible) Regular forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_REGULAR that are modified after the specified time. This will retrieve both visible and hidden forms.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.


public List<String> getListForm(long changedSince)
                         throws ARException
return the name of all (accessible)forms that are modified after the specified time. This will retrieve both visible and hidden forms.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.


public List<String> getListForm(long changedSince,
                                int formType)
                         throws ARException
return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the sepcified criteria

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.
formType - the type of forms to retrieve. The type can be: To retrieve both visible and hidden forms, add 1024 (Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT) to the form type. For example, specify Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_REGULAR | Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT for this parameter.


public List<String> getListForm(long changedSince,
                                int formType,
                                String formName)
                         throws ARException
return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the sepcified criteria

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.
formType - the type of forms to retrieve. The type can be: To retrieve both visible and hidden forms, add 1024 (Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT) to the form type. For example, specify Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_REGULAR | Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT for this parameter.
formName - If the formType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK, this parameter specifies the form upon which the retrieved form depends on. If the schemaType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DOWNLINK, this parameter specifies the form that depends on the retrieved form. This parameter is ignored if you don't specify AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK or AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DOWNLINK as the formType


public List<String> getListForm(long changedSince,
                                int formType,
                                String formName,
                                int[] fieldIds)
                         throws ARException
return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the sepcified criteria

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.
formType - the type of forms to retrieve. The type can be: To retrieve both visible and hidden forms, add 1024 (Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT) to the form type. For example, specify Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_REGULAR | Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT for this parameter.
formName - If the formType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK, this parameter specifies the form upon which the retrieved form depends on. If the schemaType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DOWNLINK, this parameter specifies the form that depends on the retrieved form. This parameter is ignored if you don't specify AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK or AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DOWNLINK as the formType
fieldIds - this is a list of form fields, and the API call only return the the forms that containing all these fields in this list


public List<String> getListForm(long changedSince,
                                int formType,
                                String formName,
                                int[] fieldIds,
                                ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
                         throws ARException
return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the specified criteria

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.
formType - the type of forms to retrieve. The type can be: To retrieve both visible and hidden forms, add 1024 (Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT) to the form type. For example, specify Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_REGULAR | Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT for this parameter.
formName - If the formType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK, this parameter specifies the form upon which the retrieved form depends on. If the schemaType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DOWNLINK, this parameter specifies the form that depends on the retrieved form. This parameter is ignored if you don't specify AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK or AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DOWNLINK as the formType
fieldIds - A list of form fields, and the API call only return the the forms that containing all these fields in this list.
propsToSearch - A list of object properties to search for. Returns all forms that match the object properties, for example, the application owner.


public List<FormAliasInfo> getListFormAliases(long changedSince,
                                              int formType,
                                              String formName,
                                              int[] fieldIds,
                                              String vuiLabel)
                                       throws ARException
Returns a list of form names and corresponding aliases that match the given criteria.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.
formType - the type of forms to retrieve. The type can be: To retrieve both visible and hidden forms, add 1024 (Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT) to the form type. For example, specify Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_REGULAR | Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT for this parameter.
formName - If the formType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK, this parameter specifies the form upon which the retrieved form depends on. If the schemaType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DOWNLINK, this parameter specifies the form that depends on the retrieved form. This parameter is ignored if you don't specify AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK or AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DOWNLINK as the formType
fieldIds - A list of form fields, and the API call only return the the forms that containing all these fields in this list.
vuiLabel - Label for the specific view from which to retrieve aliases.
list of form alias information


public List<Form> getListFormObjects(long changedSince,
                                     int formType,
                                     String formName,
                                     int[] fieldIds,
                                     FormCriteria criteria)
                              throws ARException
Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Form objects that match the specified criteria.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the forms retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve forms with any modification timestamp.
formType - the type of forms to retrieve. The type can be: To retrieve both visible and hidden forms, add 1024 (Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT) to the form type. For example, specify Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_REGULAR | Constants.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT for this parameter.
formName - If the formType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK, this parameter specifies the form upon which the retrieved form depends on. If the schemaType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DOWNLINK, this parameter specifies the form that depends on the retrieved form. This parameter is ignored if you don't specify AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK or AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DOWNLINK as the formType
fieldIds - A list of form fields, and the API call only return the the forms that containing all these fields in this list.
criteria - the attribute returned for each Form object
list of Form objects


public void deleteFields(String form,
                         int[] fieldIds,
                         int deleteOption)
                  throws ARException
Deletes the fields with the specified IDs from the given form

form - Name of the form from which fields be deleted
fieldIds - list of IDs for fields to delete.
deleteOption - a value indicating the action to take if the specified field contains data or is associated with a join form or column field in the table field. The value can be:
ARException - if fields are not deleted


public List<ExtFieldCandidatesInfo> getListViewFormFieldCandidates(String tableName)
                                                            throws ARException
Returns information about all the columns/fields candidates for View form.

tableName - the name of the view form table that contains the candidate column/field
ARException - if information is not returned


public List<ExtFieldCandidatesInfo> getListVendorFormFieldCandidates(String vendorName,
                                                                     String tableName)
                                                              throws ARException
Returns information about all the columns/fields candidates for Vendor form.

tableName - the name of the vendor form table that contains the candidate column/field
ARException - if information is not returned


public List<ExtFormCandidatesInfo> getListExtFormCandidates(int formType)
                                                     throws ARException
Returns a list of all external data source table (forms candidates). Users choose fields from these candidates to populate the vendor form

ARException - if list is not returned


public void createContainer(Container object)
                     throws ARException
Creates a new container with the given container instance on the specified server. The references to nonexistent ARSystem objects will be removed without error generated. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

object - the Container object to create This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.
ARException - if container is not created


public void createContainer(Container object,
                            boolean removeInvalidReference)
                     throws ARException
Creates a new container with the given container instance on the specified server. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

object - the Container object to create
removeInvalidReference - a flag that specifies how invalid object references are removed. If false is specified for this flag, references to nonexistent ARSystem objects will be removed without error generated. Specifying null for this parameter if you don't want to change the flag.
ARException - if container is not created


public void createContainer(Container object,
                            boolean removeInvalidReference,
                            String objectModificationLogLabel)
                     throws ARException
Creates a new container with the given container instance on the specified server. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

object - the Container object to create
removeInvalidReference - a flag that specifies how invalid object references are removed. If false is specified for this flag, references to nonexistent ARSystem objects will be removed without error generated. Specifying null for this parameter if you don't want to change the flag.
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if container is not created


public void deleteContainer(String name,
                            int deleteOption)
                     throws ARException
Deletes the container with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any references to the container from other containers. Objects referenced by the container are not deleted. This method can only be performed by an administrator.

name - the name of the container to delete
deleteOption - A bitmask indicating the action to taken. Bit 0 Constants.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION: Server object default delete option. For locked objects, fail the delete attempt. Bit 2 Constants.AR_LOCK_BLOCK_DELETE: Delete this character menu and all objects that are locked with same key. Only applicable to locked objects.
ARException - if container is not deleted


public void deleteContainer(String name,
                            int deleteOption,
                            String objectModificationLogLabel)
                     throws ARException
Deletes the container with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any references to the container from other containers. Objects referenced by the container are not deleted. This method can only be performed by an administrator.

name - the name of the container to delete
deleteOption - A bitmask indicating the action to taken. Bit 0 Constants.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION: Server object default delete option. For locked objects, fail the delete attempt. Bit 2 Constants.AR_LOCK_BLOCK_DELETE: Delete this character menu and all objects that are locked with same key. Only applicable to locked objects.
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if container is not deleted


public Container getContainer(String name)
                       throws ARException
retrieve the requested container object from AR System server. This operation can be performed by users with access permission for the container.

ARException - if container is not loaded


public Container getContainer(String name,
                              ContainerCriteria criteria)
                       throws ARException
Returns the contents of the container with the indicated name with information specified by ContainerCriteria on the specified server. It can return references of a single, specified type, of all types, or of an exclude reference type. The system returns information for accessible references and does nothing for references for which the user does not have access. This operation can be performed by users with access permission for the container.

name - the name of the container to return
criteria - the attribute returned for this Container object
ARException - if container is not returned


public void setContainer(Container object)
                  throws ARException
Updates the definition of the given container on the server. The references to nonexistent ARSystem objects will be removed without error generated. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

object - the Container object to create
ARException - if container is not stored


public void setContainer(Container object,
                         boolean removeInvalidReference)
                  throws ARException
Updates the definition of the given container on the server. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

object - the Container object to create
removeInvalidReference - a flag that specifies how invalid object references are removed. If false, references to nonexistent ARSystem objects will be removed without error generated. Specifying null for this parameter if you don't want to change the flag.
ARException - if container is not stored


public void setContainer(Container object,
                         boolean removeInvalidReference,
                         String objectModificationLogLabel)
                  throws ARException
Updates the definition of the given container on the server. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

object - the Container object to create
removeInvalidReference - a flag that specifies how invalid object references are removed. If false, references to nonexistent ARSystem objects will be removed without error generated. Specifying null for this parameter if you don't want to change the flag.
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if container is not stored


public List<String> getListContainer(long changedSince,
                                     int[] containerTypes,
                                     boolean hiddenFlag,
                                     List<ContainerOwner> ownerList,
                                     ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
                              throws ARException
Returns the names of all (accessible) Container object that meet the given criteria.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the containers retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve containers with any modification timestamp.
containerTypes - a list of values indicating the container types to retrieve. They are:
hiddenFlag - a flag indicate if retrieve both visible and hidden containers.
ownerList - a list of container owner types that own the container
propsToSearch - list of object property to search for. Return all containers that match the object property
list of container names


public List<Container> getListContainerObjects(long changedSince,
                                               int[] containerTypes,
                                               boolean hiddenFlag,
                                               List<ContainerOwner> ownerList,
                                               ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch,
                                               ContainerCriteria criteria)
                                        throws ARException
Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Container objects that match with the given criteria

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the containers retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve containers with any modification timestamp.
containerTypes - a list of values indicating the container types to retrieve. They are:
hiddenFlag - a flag indicate if retrieve both visible and hidden containers.
ownerList - a list of container owner types that own the container
propsToSearch - list of object property to search for. Return all containers that match the object property
criteria - the attribute returned for each container object
list of Container objects


public List<Container> getListContainerObjects(List<String> containers)
                                        throws ARException
Returns detailed information for the requested Container objects

containers - the names of containers to retrieve
list of Container objects


public List<MenuItem> expandMenu(Menu menu)
                          throws ARException
Expands the query and file references for the specified menu definition and returns a character menu with list-type items only.

menu - the menu to expand
Expanded menu content
ARException - if menu is not expanded


public List<MenuItem> expandMenu(Menu menu,
                                 Entry keywordList,
                                 Entry parameterList)
                          throws ARException


public List<MenuItem> expandMenu(Menu menu,
                                 Entry keywordList,
                                 Entry parameterList,
                                 int maxRetrieve,
                                 OutputInteger nMatches)
                          throws ARException
Expands the query and file references for the specified menu definition and returns a character menu with list-type items only.

menu - the menu to expand
keywordList -
parameterList -
maxRetrieve - maximum number of entries to retrieve
nMatches - returns the number of (accessible) entries that match the qualification criteria. Specify null for this parameter if you do not want to retrieve this count.
Expanded menu content
ARException - if menu is not expanded


public List<MenuItem> expandMenu(String menuName)
                          throws ARException
Expands the query and file references for the specified menu definition and returns a character menu with list-type items only.

menuName - the name of the menu to expand
Expanded menu content


public List<MenuItem> expandMenu(String menuName,
                                 Entry keywordList,
                                 Entry parameterList)
                          throws ARException


public void createMenu(Menu object)
                throws ARException
Creates this Menu object on AR System server.

object - the menu object to be created in ARSystem server
ARException - if object is not created


public void createMenu(Menu object,
                       String objectModificationLogLabel)
                throws ARException
Creates this Menu object on AR System server.

object - the menu object to be created in ARSystem server
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not created


public void deleteMenu(String name,
                       int deleteOption)
                throws ARException
Removes this specified Memu object from AR System server.

name - the name of the menu to delete
deleteOption - a bitmask indicating the action to take. Bit 0 Constants.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION: Server object default delete option. For locked objects, fail the delete attempt. Bit 2 Constants.AR_LOCK_BLOCK_DELETE: Delete this character menu and all objects that are locked with same key. Only applicable to locked objects.
ARException - if object is not removed


public void deleteMenu(String name,
                       int deleteOption,
                       String objectModificationLogLabel)
                throws ARException
Removes this specified Memu object from AR System server.

name - the name of the menu to delete
deleteOption - a bitmask indicating the action to take. Bit 0 Constants.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION: Server object default delete option. For locked objects, fail the delete attempt. Bit 2 Constants.AR_LOCK_BLOCK_DELETE: Delete this character menu and all objects that are locked with same key. Only applicable to locked objects.
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not removed


public Menu getMenu(String name,
                    MenuCriteria criteria)
             throws ARException
return the requested menu object with information specified by MenuCriteria from AR System server.

name - the name of the menu to get
criteria - the attribute returned for this Menu object
ARException - if object is not loaded


public void setMenu(Menu object)
             throws ARException
Saves the changes made to the menu field object into AR System server

object - the menu object to be saved in the server
ARException - if object is not saved


public void setMenu(Menu object,
                    String objectModificationLogLabel)
             throws ARException
Saves the changes made to the menu field object into AR System server

object - the menu object to be saved in the server
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not saved


public List<String> getListMenu(long changedSince,
                                List<String> forms,
                                List<String> activeLinks)
                         throws ARException
Returns names of all (accessible) menu that match with the given criteria.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the menus retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve containers with any modification timestamp.
forms - a list of form names that limit the menu retrieved to the ones that referenced by field in these forms.
activeLinks - a list for activelink names that limit the menu retrieved to the ones that have a change field action with the menu.


public List<String> getListMenu(long changedSince,
                                List<String> forms,
                                List<String> activeLinks,
                                ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
                         throws ARException
Returns names of all (accessible) menu that match with the given criteria

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the menus retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve menus with any modification timestamp.
forms - a list of form names that limit the menu retrieved to the ones that referenced by field in these forms.
activeLinks - a list for activelink names that limit the menu retrieved to the ones that have a change field action with the menu.
propsToSearch - A list of object properties to search for. Returns all menus that match the object properties.


public List<Menu> getListMenuObjects(long changedSince,
                                     List<String> forms,
                                     List<String> activeLinks,
                                     MenuCriteria criteria)
                              throws ARException
Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Menu objects that match with the given criteria.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the menus retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve menus with any modification timestamp.
forms - a list of form names that limit the menu retrieved to the ones that referenced by field in these forms.
activeLinks - a list for activelink names that limit the menu retrieved to the ones that have a change field action with the menu.
criteria - the attribute returned for each Menu object
ARException - if information cannot be returned


public List<Menu> getListMenuObjects(long changedSince,
                                     List<String> menus,
                                     MenuCriteria criteria)
                              throws ARException
Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Menu objects that match with the given criteria.

changedSince - a timestamp that limits the menus retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve menus with any modification timestamp.
menus - a list of menu names that limit the menu retrieved.
criteria - the attribute returned for each Menu object
ARException - if information cannot be returned


public void createField(Field object,
                        boolean isReservedRangeIdOK)
                 throws ARException
Creates a new form field with the indicated name on the specified server. Forms can contain data and nondata fields. Nondata fields serve several purposes. Trim fields enhance the appearance and usability of the form (for example, lines, boxes, or static text). Control fields provide mechanisms for executing active links (for example, menus, buttons, or toolbar buttons). Other nondata fields organize data for viewing (for example, pages and page holders) or show data from another form (for example, tables and columns). An active link can be associated with only one control field (you can, however, choose any combination of screen appearances for that field). A particular control field, however, can be associated with multiple active links. While information about nondata fields is stored on the server, they do not require storage space in the underlying database.
Privileges: This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

object - the form field to be created in ARSystem server
isReservedRangeIdOK - a flag indicate if you can create the field with a reserved field id
ARException - if object is not created


public void createMultipleFields(List<Field> fields)
                          throws ARException
Create new fields for a specified form in the ARSystem. The form name is specified in the Field object, so the form names in the fields have to be all same.
Privileges: This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

fields - fields to be created in ARSystem server
ARException - if object is not created


public void deleteField(String form,
                        int fieldId,
                        int deleteOption)
                 throws ARException
Deletes the form field with the indicated ID from the specified server. Depending on the value you specify for the deleteOption parameter, the field is deleted from the server immediately and is not returned to users who request information about fields. When a parent field is deleted, its child fields may also be deleted. For example, deleting a page holder field will delete all pages within it. All fields within those pages are removed from the current view but not deleted. Deleting a table field will delete all columns within it.
Privileges: This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

form - Name of the form from which fields be deleted
fieldId - IDs of the field to delete.
deleteOption - a value indicating the action to take if the specified field contains data or is associated with a join form or column field in the table field. The value can be:
ARException - if object is not deleted


public Field getField(String form,
                      int fieldId)
               throws ARException
Retrieve the requested form field object from the server.

form - the name of the form containing the field to retrieve
fieldId - the id of the field to retrieve
ARException - if object is not loaded


public Field getField(String form,
                      int fieldId,
                      FieldCriteria criteria)
               throws ARException
Retrieve and populate the form field object with the requested information from AR System server.

form - the name of the form containing the field to retrieve
fieldId - the id of the field to retrieve
criteria - the attribute returned for this Field object
ARException - if object is not loaded


public void setField(Field object)
              throws ARException
Saves the changes made to the form field object into AR System server.

object - the object to save
ARException - if object is not saved


public void setMultipleFields(List<Field> fields)
                       throws ARException
Saves the changes made to the form fields into ARSystem server. The form name is specified in the Field object, so the form names in the fields have to be all same.
Privileges: This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

fields - a list of fields to save
ARException - if object is not saved


public List<Integer> getListField(String formName,
                                  int fieldTypeMask,
                                  long changedSince)
                           throws ARException
Returns the ids of all (accessible) fields that matches with the given criteria.

formName - the name of the form where the fields reside
fieldTypeMask - A bit mask value to specify types of the field. They are: bit 0: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_DATA retrieve data fields bit 1: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_TRIM retrieve trim fields bit 2: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_CONTROL retrieve control fields bit 3: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_PAGE retrieve page fields bit 4: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_PAGE_HOLDER retrieve page holder fields bit 5: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_TABLE retrieve table fields bit 6: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_COLUMN retrieve column fields bit 7: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ATTACH retrieve attachment fields bit 8: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ATTACH_POOL retrieve attachment pool fields Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ALL retrieve all type of fields
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the fields retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve fields with any modification timestamp.
list of field ids


public List<Integer> getListField(String formName,
                                  int fieldTypeMask,
                                  long changedSince,
                                  ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
                           throws ARException
Returns the ids of all (accessible) fields that matches with the given criteria.

formName - the name of the form where the fields reside
fieldTypeMask - A bit mask value to specify types of the field. They are: bit 0: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_DATA retrieve data fields bit 1: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_TRIM retrieve trim fields bit 2: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_CONTROL retrieve control fields bit 3: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_PAGE retrieve page fields bit 4: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_PAGE_HOLDER retrieve page holder fields bit 5: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_TABLE retrieve table fields bit 6: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_COLUMN retrieve column fields bit 7: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ATTACH retrieve attachment fields bit 8: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ATTACH_POOL retrieve attachment pool fields Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ALL retrieve all type of fields
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the fields retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve fields with any modification timestamp.
propsToSearch - Object Property to search the field list.
list of field ids


public List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName)
                                throws ARException
Returns detailed information for all (accessible) fields on the given form.

formName - the name of the form containing the field to retrieve
ARException - if information is not returned


public List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName,
                                       int fieldTypeMask)
                                throws ARException
Returns detailed information of all (accessible) fields that match with the given criteria.

formName - the name of the form containing the field to retrieve
fieldTypeMask - A bit mask value to specify types of the field. They are: bit 0: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_DATA retrieve data fields bit 1: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_TRIM retrieve trim fields bit 2: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_CONTROL retrieve control fields bit 3: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_PAGE retrieve page fields bit 4: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_PAGE_HOLDER retrieve page holder fields bit 5: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_TABLE retrieve table fields bit 6: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_COLUMN retrieve column fields bit 7: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ATTACH retrieve attachment fields bit 8: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ATTACH_POOL retrieve attachment pool fields Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ALL retrieve all type of fields
ARException - if information is not returned


public List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName,
                                       int fieldTypeMask,
                                       long changedSince)
                                throws ARException
Returns detailed information of all (accessible) fields that match with the given criteria.

formName - the name of the form containing the field to retrieve
fieldTypeMask - A bit mask value to specify types of the field. They are: bit 0: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_DATA retrieve data fields bit 1: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_TRIM retrieve trim fields bit 2: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_CONTROL retrieve control fields bit 3: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_PAGE retrieve page fields bit 4: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_PAGE_HOLDER retrieve page holder fields bit 5: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_TABLE retrieve table fields bit 6: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_COLUMN retrieve column fields bit 7: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ATTACH retrieve attachment fields bit 8: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ATTACH_POOL retrieve attachment pool fields Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ALL retrieve all type of fields
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the fields retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve fields with any modification timestamp.
ARException - if information is not returned


public List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName,
                                       int fieldTypeMask,
                                       long changedSince,
                                       FieldCriteria criteria)
                                throws ARException
Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Field objects that match with the given criteria.

formName - the name of the form containing the field to retrieve
fieldTypeMask - A bit mask value to specify types of the field. They are: bit 0: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_DATA retrieve data fields bit 1: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_TRIM retrieve trim fields bit 2: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_CONTROL retrieve control fields bit 3: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_PAGE retrieve page fields bit 4: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_PAGE_HOLDER retrieve page holder fields bit 5: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_TABLE retrieve table fields bit 6: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_COLUMN retrieve column fields bit 7: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ATTACH retrieve attachment fields bit 8: Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ATTACH_POOL retrieve attachment pool fields Constants.AR_FIELD_TYPE_ALL retrieve all type of fields
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the fields retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve fields with any modification timestamp.
criteria - the infomation to retrieve
ARException - if information is not returned


public List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName,
                                       int[] fieldIds)
                                throws ARException
Returns detailed information of all attributes for a list of Field objects specified by the field ids

formName - the name of the form containing the field to retrieve
fieldIds - the id of fields to retrieve
ARException - if information is not returned


public List<Field> getListFieldObjects(String formName,
                                       int[] fieldIds,
                                       FieldCriteria criteria)
                                throws ARException
Returns detailed information of the given attributes for a list of Field objects specified by the field ids.

formName - the name of the form containing the field to retrieve
fieldIds - the id of fields to retrieve
criteria - the attribute returned for each Field object
ARException - if information is not returned


public void createView(View object)
                throws ARException
Creates the given View object in AR System server.

object - the view object to create
ARException - if object is not saved


public void deleteView(String formName,
                       int viewId)
                throws ARException
Removes this object on the AR System server.

formName - the name of the form where the view resides
viewId - the id of the view to create
ARException - if object is not removed


public View getView(String formName,
                    int viewId)
             throws ARException
Retrieves the form view object from the AR System server.

formName - Name of the form where the view resides
viewId - the id of the view
Returns the view definition


public View getView(String formName,
                    int viewId,
                    ViewCriteria criteria)
             throws ARException
Populates this object with information specified by ViewCriteria from the AR System server.

formName - the name of the form where the view resides
viewId - the id of the view
criteria - the attribute returned for this View object
ARException - if object is not loaded


public void setView(View object)
             throws ARException
Updates this view on the database

object - the view object to be updated
ARException - if object is not saved


public List<Integer> getListView(String formName,
                                 long changedSince)
                          throws ARException
Returns the names of all views that reside on the provided form, and modified after the given timestamp.

formName - the name of the form where the view resides
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the fields retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve fields with any modification timestamp.
ARException - if list is not found


public List<Integer> getListView(String formName,
                                 long changedSince,
                                 ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
                          throws ARException
Returns the names of all views that reside on the provided form, and modified after the given timestamp.

formName - the name of the form where the view resides
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the fields retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve fields with any modification timestamp.
propsToSearch - the object property of the views to search
ARException - if list is not found


public List<View> getListViewObjects(String formName,
                                     long changedSince,
                                     ViewCriteria criteria)
                              throws ARException
Returns the detailed information of all (accessible) View objects that match with the given crteria.

formName - the name of the form where the view resides
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the fields retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve fields with any modification timestamp.
criteria - the attribute returned for each View object
ARException - if list is not found


public List<View> getListViewObjects(String formName,
                                     long changedSince,
                                     int[] viewIds,
                                     ViewCriteria criteria)
                              throws ARException
Returns the detailed information of all (accessible) View objects that match with the given crteria.

formName - the name of the form where the view resides
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the fields retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve fields with any modification timestamp.
viewIds - the Ids of the View objects to retrieve
criteria - the attribute returned for each View object
ARException - if list is not found


public static String encodeDiary(DiaryListValue diaryList)
                          throws ARException
Takes an DiaryListValue as input and encodes it into a diary string.

diaryList - the diaryList to be encoded
ARException - if DiaryListValue is not encoded


public DiaryListValue decodeDiary(String encoded)
                           throws ARException
Takes an encoded diary string as input and decodes it into an DiaryListValue for easier processing.

encoded - the encoded diary string
ARException - if DiaryListValue is not decoded


public QualifierInfo parseQualification(String queryString,
                                        List<Field> fieldList1,
                                        List<Field> fieldList2,
                                        int queryContext)
                                 throws ARException
Constructs a QualifierInfo object given a string representation.

queryString - representing the qualification string to be parsed
fieldList1 - An array of Field objects of the form. (fieldList1 parameter is used in two different modes.) First mode - is for parsing the queries similar to the ones created in User Tool advanced query bar. This type of queries are always defined in terms of a single form. In this case, the Field objects be from the form to which this qualifier is going to be applied. Second mode - is applicable when a qualification deals with two forms. For example, a qualification in SetFields, PushFields etc active link actions, can be defined in terms of two forms - one to which the active link belongs and the other form to/from which the data will be set. The later is termed as remote form. In this case, specify the array of Field objects of the remote form.
fieldList2 - An array of Field objects of a form. First mode - this parameter is not applicable and can be null. Second mode - applicable only in this mode. In this mode, this array of Field objects comes from the local form.
queryContext - Default value is AR_QUALCONTEXT_DEFAULT. Different parsing rules apply when a query line is encountered within an Active Link (in SetFields action, Run If condition etc), Filter, Escalation or in a Menu definition. Indicate appropriate value using AR_QUALCONTEXT_ACTIVE_LINK, AR_QUALCONTEXT_ESCALATION, AR_QUALCONTEXT_FILTER, or AR_QUALCONTEXT_MENU_DEFS.
ARException - if object is not constructed


public QualifierInfo parseQualification(String queryString,
                                        List<Field> fieldList1,
                                        List<Field> fieldList2,
                                        int queryContext,
                                        boolean exceptionWhenFieldNotFound)
                                 throws ARException
Constructs a QualifierInfo object given a string representation.

queryString - representing the qualification string to be parsed
fieldList1 - An array of Field objects of the form. (fieldList1 parameter is used in two different modes.) First mode - is for parsing the queries similar to the ones created in User Tool advanced query bar. This type of queries are always defined in terms of a single form. In this case, the Field objects be from the form to which this qualifier is going to be applied. Second mode - is applicable when a qualification deals with two forms. For example, a qualification in SetFields, PushFields etc active link actions, can be defined in terms of two forms - one to which the active link belongs and the other form to/from which the data will be set. The later is termed as remote form. In this case, specify the array of Field objects of the remote form.
fieldList2 - An array of Field objects of a form. First mode - this parameter is not applicable and can be null. Second mode - applicable only in this mode. In this mode, this array of Field objects comes from the local form.
queryContext - Default value is AR_QUALCONTEXT_DEFAULT. Different parsing rules apply when a query line is encountered within an Active Link (in SetFields action, Run If condition etc), Filter, Escalation or in a Menu definition. Indicate appropriate value using AR_QUALCONTEXT_ACTIVE_LINK, AR_QUALCONTEXT_ESCALATION, AR_QUALCONTEXT_FILTER, or AR_QUALCONTEXT_MENU_DEFS.
exceptionWhenFieldNotFound - Flag to set whether an exception should be thrown when the field in the qualification string is not available in the field objects.
ARException - if object is not constructed


public AssignInfo parseAssignment(String assignString,
                                  String queryString,
                                  Field assignField,
                                  List<Field> fieldList1,
                                  List<Field> fieldList2,
                                  String form,
                                  String server,
                                  int currentScreen,
                                  boolean idOk,
                                  boolean fromSQL,
                                  boolean fromFilterAPI,
                                  int queryContext)
                           throws ARException
Constructs a AssignInfo object given a string representation.

assignString - String representing the assignment string to be parsed
queryString - String representing the qualification for setfields/pushfields if
assignField - Field the destination for the assignment
fieldList1 - An array of Field objects of the form. (fieldList1 parameter is used in two different modes.) First mode - is for parsing the queries similar to the ones created in the advanced query bar. This type of queries are always defined in terms of a single form. In this case, the Field objects be from the form to which this qualifier is going to be applied. Second mode - is applicable when a qualification deals with two forms. For example, a qualification in SetFields, PushFields etc active link actions, can be defined in terms of two forms - one to which the active link belongs and the other form to/from which the data will be set. The later is termed as remote form. In this case, specify the array of Field objects of the remote form.
fieldList2 - An array of Field objects of a form. First mode - this parameter is not applicable and can be null. Second mode - applicable only in this mode. In this mode, this array of Field objects comes from the local form.
form - String representing the source form, if set fields from remote form
server - String representing the source server for the above form
currentScreen - int value indicating if its from current screen
idOk - flag indicating if both field ids and names should be considered while parsing
fromSQL - flag to indicate that the source for assignment is a Direct SQL call
fromFilterAPI - flag to indicate that the source is filterapi action
queryContext - context for the qualification for assignment,for eg. filter, escalation, filter setfields etc. Indicate appropriate value using Constants.AR_CONTEXT_ACTIVE_LINK, Constants.AR_CONTEXT_FILTER, Constants.AR_CONTEXT_ESCALATION, Constants.AR_CONTEXT_MENU_DEFS, Constants.AR_CONTEXT_ACTIVE_LINK_SETFIELDS, Constants.AR_CONTEXT_FILTER_SETFIELDS, Constants.AR_CONTEXT_ESCALATION_SETFIELDS, Constants.AR_CONTEXT_ESCALATION_TIME.
AssignInfo representing the given assignment string


public String formatAssignment(AssignInfo assign,
                               List<Field> fieldList,
                               Field assignField,
                               boolean topLevel)
                        throws ARException
Constructs a String object containing the string representation of a given assignment AssignInfo object.

assign - AssignInfo assignment object to be formated
fieldList - An array of Field objects of the form. (fieldList1 parameter is used in two different modes.) First mode - is for parsing the queries similar to the ones created in the advanced query bar. This type of queries are always defined in terms of a single form. In this case, the Field objects be from the form to which this qualifier is going to be applied. Second mode - is applicable when a qualification deals with two forms. For example, a qualification in SetFields, PushFields etc active link actions, can be defined in terms of two forms - one to which the active link belongs and the other form to/from which the data will be set. The later is termed as remote form. In this case, specify the array of Field objects of the remote form.
assignField - Field to which assignment is being done
topLevel - flag to indicate if assignment is top level or not
String formatted to show the assignment info as string.


public String formatQualification(QualifierInfo qual,
                                  List<Field> fieldList1,
                                  List<Field> fieldList2,
                                  int queryContext,
                                  boolean isEscalation)
                           throws ARException
Constructs a String object containing the string representation of a given qualifier object.

qual - the QualifierInfo object to be formatted.
fieldList1 - An array of Field objects of the form. (fieldList1 parameter is used in two different modes.) First mode - is for parsing the queries similar to the ones created in the advanced query bar. This type of queries are always defined in terms of a single form. In this case, the Field objects be from the form to which this qualifier is going to be applied. Second mode - is applicable when a qualification deals with two forms. For example, a qualification in SetFields, PushFields etc active link actions, can be defined in terms of two forms - one to which the active link belongs and the other form to/from which the data will be set. The later is termed as remote form. In this case, specify the array of Field objects of the remote form.
fieldList2 - An array of Field objects of a form. First mode - this parameter is not applicable and can be null. Second mode - applicable only in this mode. In this mode, this array of Field objects comes from the local form.
queryContext - Default value is AR_QUALCONTEXT_DEFAULT. Different parsing rules apply when a query line is encountered within an Active Link (in SetFields action, Run If condition etc), Filter, Escalation or in a Menu definition. Indicate appropriate value using AR_QUALCONTEXT_ACTIVE_LINK, AR_QUALCONTEXT_ESCALATION, AR_QUALCONTEXT_FILTER, or AR_QUALCONTEXT_MENU_DEFS.
isEscalation - Default is false. Specify true only when in the this of a escalation's query line. When unsure specify 'false'.
ARException - if object is not constructed


public String createEntry(String formName,
                          Entry entry)
                   throws ARException
Creates a new entry in the indicated form on the specified server. You can create entries in either base forms or join forms.

formName - the name of the form to create entry into
entry - the entry to be created
ARException - if entry is not created


public void deleteEntry(String formName,
                        String entryId,
                        int deleteOption)
                 throws ARException
Removes the form entry with the indicated ID from the specified server. You can delete entries from base forms only. To remove entries from join forms, delete them from the underlying base forms.

formName - the name of the form that containing the entry
entryId - the id of the entry to be deleted
deleteOption - specify 0 for this parameter (reserved for future use).
ARException - if entry is not removed


public Entry getEntry(String formName,
                      String entryId,
                      int[] entryListFields)
               throws ARException
Loads the entry object from AR System as specified by the entryentryListFields data member.

formName - the name of the form that contains the entry
entryId - the id of the entry
entryListFields - a list of zero or more ids specifying the fields to retrieve. specifing null or zero fields for this parameter to retrieve all (accessible) fields. To minimize network traffic, specify only the fields you need if you do not require the data for all fields. If an attachment field is specified in this list, only its name, size and compress size will be returned.
ARException - if entry is not loaded


public void setEntry(String formName,
                     String entryId,
                     Entry entry,
                     Timestamp getTime,
                     int nOption)
              throws ARException
Updates an the given entry in ARSystem server.

formName - the name of the form that containing the entry
entryId - the id of the entry
entry - the entry to be updated
getTime - Time stamp identifying when the entry was last retrieved. The system compares this value with the value in the Modified Date core field to determine whether the entry has been changed since the last retrieval. The system updates the entry if the value you specify is greater than Modified Date. If not, the system returns an error. You can either retrieve the entry again and determine whether to apply your changes or specify 0 for this parameter to bypass the time stamp comparison.
nOption - Value indicating whether users can update fields specified in the join qualification (applicable for join forms only).
    Users can update fields used in the join criteria (thereby causing the entry to no longer appear in the join form).
    Users cannot update fields used in the join criteria.
ARException - if entry is not updated


public Entry executeService(String formName,
                            String entryId,
                            Entry entry,
                            int[] entryListFields)
                     throws ARException
Sends an entry to the server, executes filter workflow on the server using that input entry and then returns the output entry as the outcome of the workflow processing. Note that, the output entry is not written in the database. This method can be used with ARSystem web service to obternal external web service or with a SetFields filter action to consume an internal ARSystem service.

formName - the name of the form where the service is performed
entryId - the id of the entry to be used in the transaction
entry - the input entry used to trigger server workflow
entryListFields - a list of zero or more ids specifying the fields to retrieve.


public String xmlExecuteService(String queryMapping,
                                String queryDoc,
                                String inputMapping,
                                String inputDoc,
                                String outputMapping,
                                String optionDoc)
                         throws ARException
AR System internal use only.



public String mergeEntry(String formName,
                         Entry entry,
                         int nMergeType)
                  throws ARException
Merges an existing entry into the indicated form on the specified server. You can merge entries into base forms only. To add entries to join forms, merge them into one of the underlying base forms. The system merges data based on the access privileges of the user you specify in ARServerUser object and the createMode setting for each field. User permissions are verified for each specified field. The system generates an error if the user does not have write permission for a field or a field does not exist.

formName - the name of the form to merge entry into
entry - the entry to be merged
nMergeType - A value indicating the action to take if the Entry ID already exists in the target form. This parameter is ignored if you do not specify the Entry ID or the ID specified does not conflict with existing entry IDs.

To omit some field validation steps, add the appropriate increments to the merge type.

ARException - if entry is not merged


public String mergeEntry(String formName,
                         Entry entry,
                         int nMergeType,
                         QualifierInfo qualification,
                         int multimatchOption)
                  throws ARException
formName - the name of the form to merge entry into
entry - the entry to be merged
nMergeType - A value indicating the action to take if the Entry ID already exists in the target form. This parameter is ignored if you do not specify the Entry ID or the ID specified does not conflict with existing entry IDs.

To omit some field validation steps, add the appropriate increments to the merge type.

qualification - QualifierInfo query that determines the set of entries to retrieve
multimatchOption - The value that can be used as multimatchOption
ARException - if entry is not merged


public List<EntryListInfo> getListEntry(String formName,
                                        QualifierInfo qualification,
                                        int firstRetrieve,
                                        int maxRetrieve,
                                        List<SortInfo> sortList,
                                        List<EntryListFieldInfo> entryListFields,
                                        boolean useLocale,
                                        OutputInteger nMatches)
                                 throws ARException
Returns list of EntryListInfo objects that uniquely identify the entry objects that match the provided criteria.

formName - String name of the form that containing the entries
qualification - QualifierInfo query that determines the set of entries to retrieve
firstRetrieve - first entry to retrieve. A value of 0 represent the first entry.
maxRetrieve - maxium number of entries to retrieve
sortList - list of SortInfo instances that define the sort order for list of entries returned
entryListFields - list of EntryListFieldInfo instances that define the IDs of the fields to include in the result and the formats of the fields. The list can include any data field except diary fields and long character field. The AR System server checks the permission for each specified field and returns only those fields for which the user has read access.
useLocale - boolean flag that controls whether the result includes only entries based on locale (1 or TRUE) or all enties (0 or FALSE). The Localize Server option must be selected for the AR System server to return only localized entries. For information about the Localize Server option, see the Configuring guide.
nMatches - returns the number of (accessible) entries that match the qualification criteria. Specify null for this parameter if you do not want to retrieve this count.
list of EntryListInfo objects that identify the result entry objects
ARException - if list is not returned


public List<Entry> getListEntryObjects(String formName,
                                       QualifierInfo qualification,
                                       int firstRetrieve,
                                       int maxRetrieve,
                                       List<SortInfo> sortList,
                                       int[] fieldIds,
                                       boolean useLocale,
                                       OutputInteger nMatches)
                                throws ARException
Returns a list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria.

formName - String name of the form that containing the entries
qualification - QualifierInfo query that determines the set of entries to retrieve
firstRetrieve - first entry to retrieve. A value of 0 represent the first entry.
maxRetrieve - maxium number of entries to retrieve
sortList - list of SortInfo instances that define the sort order for list of entries returned
fieldIds - array of int field IDs that specify the fields in the result. The fields can include any data field except diary fields and long character field. The AR System server checks the permission for each specified field and returns only those fields for which the user has read access.
useLocale - boolean flag that controls whether the result includes only entries based on locale (1 or TRUE) or all enties (0 or FALSE). The Localize Server option must be selected for the AR System server to return only localized entries. For information about the Localize Server option, see the Configuring guide.
nMatches - returns the number of (accessible) entries that match the qualification criteria. Specify null for this parameter if you do not want to retrieve this count.
list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria
ARException - if list is not returned


public Entry getOneEntryObject(String formName,
                               QualifierInfo qualification,
                               List<SortInfo> sortList,
                               int[] fieldIds,
                               boolean useLocale,
                               OutputInteger nMatches)
                        throws ARException
Returns a list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria.

formName - String name of the form that containing the entries
qualification - QualifierInfo query that determines the set of entries to retrieve
sortList - list of SortInfo instances that define the sort order for list of entries returned
fieldIds - array of int field IDs that specify the fields in the result. The fields can include any data field except diary fields and long character field. The AR System server checks the permission for each specified field and returns only those fields for which the user has read access.
useLocale - boolean flag that controls whether the result includes only entries based on locale (1 or TRUE) or all enties (0 or FALSE). The Localize Server option must be selected for the AR System server to return only localized entries. For information about the Localize Server option, see the Configuring guide.
nMatches - returns the number of (accessible) entries that match the qualification criteria. Specify null for this parameter if you do not want to retrieve this count.
list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria
ARException - if list is not returned


public List<Entry> getListEntryObjects(String formName,
                                       List<String> entryIds,
                                       int[] fieldIds)
                                throws ARException
Returns a list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria.

formName - String name of the form that containing the entries
entryIds - list of String IDs of the entries retrieve
fieldIds - array of int field IDs that determine the fields in the result. The fields can include any data field except diary fields and long character field. The AR System server checks the permission for each specified field and returns only those fields for which the user has read access.
list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria
ARException - if list is not returned


public void getListEntryObjects(String formName,
                                QualifierInfo qualification,
                                int firstRetrieve,
                                int maxRetrieve,
                                List<SortInfo> sortList,
                                int[] fieldIds,
                                boolean useLocale,
                                OutputInteger nMatches,
                                IARRowIterator iterator)
                         throws ARException
Applies the iteratorCallback method of the iterator parameter to each Entry object that matches the provided criteria.

formName - String name of the form that containing the entries
qualification - QualifierInfo query that determines the set of entries to retrieve
firstRetrieve - first entry to retrieve. A value of 0 represent the first entry.
maxRetrieve - maxium number of entries to retrieve
sortList - list of SortInfo instances that define the sort order for list of entries returned
fieldIds - array of int field IDs that specify the fields in the result. The fields can include any data field except diary fields and long character field. The AR System server checks the permission for each specified field and returns only those fields for which the user has read access.
useLocale - boolean flag that controls whether the result includes only entries based on locale (1 or TRUE) or all enties (0 or FALSE). The Localize Server option must be selected for the AR System server to return only localized entries. For information about the Localize Server option, see the Configuring guide.
nMatches - returns the number of (accessible) entries that match the qualification criteria. Specify null for this parameter if you do not want to retrieve this count.
iterator - instance of a class that implements IARRowIterator interface. The implementation of this class provides the callback function that this method applies to each Entry object that matches the provided criteria.
ARException - if search fails
See Also:


public List<QuerySourceValues> getListEntryObjects(RegularQuery query,
                                                   int firstRetrieve,
                                                   int maxRetrieve,
                                                   boolean useLocale,
                                                   OutputInteger nMatches)
                                            throws ARException
Returns a list of QuerySourceValues objects that match the provided criteria. Supports joins, subqueries and hierarchical queries constructs.

query - RegularQuery query that determines the set of entries to retrieve
firstRetrieve - first entry to retrieve. A value of 0 represent the first entry.
maxRetrieve - maximum number of entries to retrieve
useLocale - boolean flag that controls whether the result includes only entries based on locale (1 or TRUE) or all enties (0 or FALSE). The Localize Server option must be selected for the AR System server to return only localized entries. For information about the Localize Server option, see the Configuring guide.
nMatches - returns the number of (accessible) entries that match the qualification criteria. Specify null for this parameter if you do not want to retrieve this count.
list of QuerySourceValues objects that match the provided criteria
ARException - if list is not returned


public void getEntryBlob(String formName,
                         String entryID,
                         int fieldID,
                         String filePath)
                  throws ARException
Returns the attachment that is stored in the indicated IDs on the specified server. The returned attachment will be placed into a given file path. The system returns information based on the access privileges of the user you specify in this ARServerUser object. User permissions are verified for the specified field. If the user cannot access the field, the system returns an error message.

formName - the name of the form that containing the entry
entryID - the id of the entry that contains the attachment
fieldID - the id of the attachment field
filePath - the path to a file that stores the return attachment
ARException - if blob attachment is not returned


public byte[] getEntryBlob(String formName,
                           String entryID,
                           int fieldID)
                    throws ARException
Returns the attachment that is stored in the indicated IDs on the specified server. The attachment is returned as a byte array. The system returns information based on the access privileges of the user you specify in this ARServerUser object. User permissions are verified for the specified field. If the user cannot access the field, the system returns an error message.

formName - the name of the form that containing the entry
entryID - the id of the entry that contains the attachment
fieldID - the id of the attachment field
the attachment bytes.
ARException - if blob attachment is not returned


public ProcessResult executeProcess(String command)
                             throws ARException
Execute the indicated command on the server, wait it to finish, and bring back the result

command - the command to execute. Must be a valid command on the specified server.
ARException - if command is not performed


public ProcessResult executeProcess(String command,
                                    boolean waitFlag)
                             throws ARException
Execute the indicated command on the server, and bring back the result if the waitFlgs instructs the method to wait for the process to finish.

command - the command to execute. Must be a valid command on the specified server.
waitFlag - To Execute Process, an independent process is spawned on server. Enter a boolean value of FALSE if you do not wait for the process to complete.
ARException - if command is not performed


public ProcessResult executeProcessForActiveLink(String actlinkName,
                                                 int actionIndex,
                                                 int actionType,
                                                 int fieldId,
                                                 Timestamp timestamp,
                                                 List<Value> keywordList,
                                                 List<Value> parameterList)
                                          throws ARException
Reserved for AR System internal only.



public ProcessResult executeProcessForActiveLink(String actlinkName,
                                                 int actionIndex,
                                                 int actionType,
                                                 int fieldId,
                                                 Timestamp timestamp,
                                                 List<Value> keywordList,
                                                 List<Value> parameterList,
                                                 boolean waitFlag)
                                          throws ARException
Reserved for AR System internal only.



public SQLResult getListSQLForActiveLink(String actlinkName,
                                         int actionIndex,
                                         int actionType,
                                         Timestamp timestamp,
                                         List<Value> keywordList,
                                         List<Value> parameterList,
                                         int maxRetrieve,
                                         boolean retrieveNumMatches)
                                  throws ARException
Reserved for AR System internal only.



public ActiveLink getActiveLink(String name)
                         throws ARException
return detailed information about the activelink ActiveLink from the server

name - the name of the activelink
an instance of the requested activelink


public ActiveLink getActiveLink(String name,
                                ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
                         throws ARException
Returns detailed information about the ActiveLink object

name - the name of the activelink to retrieve
criteria - the attribute returned for this activelink object
ActiveLink an instance of the requested activelink


public List<String> getListActiveLink()
                               throws ARException
Returns a list of all (accessible) active link names in the server



public List<String> getListActiveLink(String formName)
                               throws ARException
Returns names of all (accessible) active links that are associated with the given form

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the active link.


public List<String> getListActiveLink(long changedSince)
                               throws ARException
Returns names of all (accessible) active links that are modified after the given change time

changedSince - A timestamp that limits the activelinks retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve activelinks with any modification timestamp.


public List<String> getListActiveLink(String formName,
                                      long changedSince)
                               throws ARException
Returns names of all (accessible) active links that are associated with the given form and amodified after the provided time

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the active link.
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the activelinks retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve activelinks with any modification timestamp.


public List<String> getListActiveLink(String formName,
                                      long changedSince,
                                      ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
                               throws ARException
Returns the name of all (accessible) active links that match with the given criteria.

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the active link.
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the activelinks retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve activelinks with any modification timestamp.
propsToSearch - A list of object properties to search for. Returns all activelinks that match the object properties.
ARException - if list is not returned


public List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(String formName)
                                          throws ARException
Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects that are associated with the specified form

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the active link.


public List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(String formName,
                                                 long changedSince)
                                          throws ARException
Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects that are associated with the specified form and modified after the given time.

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the active link.
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the activeLinks retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve activelinks with any modification timestamp.


public List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(String formName,
                                                 long changedSince,
                                                 ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
                                          throws ARException
Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects specified by the criteria and ActiveLinkCriteria.

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the active link.
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the activelinks retrieved to those modified after the specified time.
criteria - the infomation (attributes) to retrieve


public List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects()
                                          throws ARException
Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects



public List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(List<String> names)
                                          throws ARException
Returns detailed information for the requested ActiveLink objects that the user has permission to access

names - the names of activelinks to retrieve


public List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(List<String> names,
                                                 ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
                                          throws ARException
Returns detailed information for the requested ActiveLink objects that the user has permission to access

names - the names of activelinks to retrieve
criteria - the attribute returned for each activelink object


public List<ActiveLink> getListActiveLinkObjects(List<String> names,
                                                 long changedSince,
                                                 ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
                                          throws ARException
Returns detailed information for the requested ActiveLink objects that the user has permission to access and is modified after the give time

names - the names of activelinks to retrieve
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the activelinks retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve activelinks with any modification timestamp.
criteria - the attribute returned for each activelink object


public void createActiveLink(ActiveLink object)
                      throws ARException
Creates this ActiveLink object on AR System server.

object - the active link object to be created on the server
ARException - if object is not created


public void createActiveLink(ActiveLink object,
                             String objectModificationLogLabel)
                      throws ARException
Creates this ActiveLink object on AR System server.

object - the active link object to be created on the server
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not created


public void deleteActiveLink(String name,
                             int deleteOption)
                      throws ARException
Deletes the specified activelink from AR System server.

name - the name of the activelink to be deleted
deleteOption - A bitmask indicates the action to take: Bit 0 Constants.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION: Server object default delete option. For locked object, fails the delete attempt. Bit 2 Constants.AR_LOCK_BLOCK_DELETE: Delete activelink and all object in the block that are locked with the same key. this is applicable only to locked objects.
ARException - if object is not deleted


public void deleteActiveLink(String name,
                             int deleteOption,
                             String objectModificationLogLabel)
                      throws ARException
Deletes the specified activelink from AR System server.

name - the name of the activelink to be deleted
deleteOption - A bitmask indicates the action to take: Bit 0 Constants.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION: Server object default delete option. For locked object, fails the delete attempt. Bit 2 Constants.AR_LOCK_BLOCK_DELETE: Delete activelink and all object in the block that are locked with the same key. this is applicable only to locked objects.
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not deleted


public void setActiveLink(ActiveLink object)
                   throws ARException
Updates this active link on the database.

object - the activelink object to be updated.
ARException - if object is not saved


public void setActiveLink(ActiveLink object,
                          String objectModificationLogLabel)
                   throws ARException
Updates this active link on the database.

object - the activelink object to be updated.
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not saved


public Filter getFilter(String key)
                 throws ARException
Returns detailed information about the Filter object specified by the given name.

key - Name of the filter to fetch
Filter object


public Filter getFilter(String key,
                        FilterCriteria criteria)
                 throws ARException
Returns detailed information about the Filter object specified by FilterCriteria and String.

key - Name of the filter to fetch
criteria - the attribute returned for this filter object
ARException - if information is not returned


public List<String> getListFilter()
                           throws ARException
Returns names of all (accessible) filters in ARSystem server.

ARException - if list is not returned


public List<String> getListFilter(String formName)
                           throws ARException
Returns names of all (accessible) filters that is associated with the given form.

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the return filters
ARException - if list is not returned


public List<String> getListFilter(long changedSince)
                           throws ARException
Returns names of all (accessible) filters that is modified after the provided time .

changedSince - A timestamp that limits the filters retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.
ARException - if list is not returned


public List<String> getListFilter(String formName,
                                  long changedSince)
                           throws ARException
Returns names of all (accessible) filters that is modified after the provided time, and associated with the given form.

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the return filters
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the filters retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.
ARException - if list is not returned


public List<String> getListFilter(String formName,
                                  long changedSince,
                                  ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
                           throws ARException
Returns all the name of all (accessible) filters that match with the given criteria.

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the filter.
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the filters retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.
propsToSearch - A list of object properties to search for. Returns all filters that match the object properties.
ARException - if list is not returned


public List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(String formName)
                                  throws ARException
return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the filter


public List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(String formName,
                                         long changedSince)
                                  throws ARException
return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form and modified after the provided timestamp

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the filter
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the filters retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.


public List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(String formName,
                                         long changedSince,
                                         FilterCriteria criteria)
                                  throws ARException
return the detail information of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form and modified after the provided timestamp

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the filter
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the filters retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.
criteria - the attribute (information) to retrieve
ARException - if information is not returned


public List<Filter> getListFilterObjects()
                                  throws ARException
return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects



public List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(List<String> names)
                                  throws ARException
return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects

names - the name of filters to retrieve


public List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(List<String> names,
                                         FilterCriteria criteria)
                                  throws ARException
return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects

names - the name of filters to retrieve
criteria - the attribute returned for each filter object


public List<Filter> getListFilterObjects(List<String> names,
                                         long changedSince,
                                         FilterCriteria criteria)
                                  throws ARException
return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects that are modified after the given timestamp

names - the name of filters to retrieve
changedSince - A timestamp that limits the filters retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.
criteria - the attribute returned for each filter object


public void createFilter(Filter object)
                  throws ARException
Creates this Filter object on AR System server.

object - the filter object to create
ARException - if object is not created


public void createFilter(Filter object,
                         String objectModificationLogLabel)
                  throws ARException
Creates this Filter object on AR System server.

object - the filter object to create
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not created


public void deleteFilter(String name,
                         int deleteOption)
                  throws ARException
Deletes this filter from AR System server.

name - the name of the filter to delete
deleteOption - A bitmask indicates the action to take: Bit 0 Constants.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION: Server object default delete option. For locked object, fails the delete attempt. Bit 2 Constants.AR_LOCK_BLOCK_DELETE: Delete filter and all object in the block that are locked with the same key. this is applicable only to locked objects.
ARException - if object is not deleted


public void deleteFilter(String name,
                         int deleteOption,
                         String objectModificationLogLabel)
                  throws ARException
Deletes this filter from AR System server.

name - the name of the filter to delete
deleteOption - A bitmask indicates the action to take: Bit 0 Constants.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION: Server object default delete option. For locked object, fails the delete attempt. Bit 2 Constants.AR_LOCK_BLOCK_DELETE: Delete filter and all object in the block that are locked with the same key. this is applicable only to locked objects.
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not deleted


public void setFilter(Filter object)
               throws ARException
Updates this Filter object onto ARSystem server.

object - the filter object to be updated in the server
ARException - if object is not saved


public void setFilter(Filter object,
                      String objectModificationLogLabel)
               throws ARException
Updates this Filter object onto ARSystem server.

object - the filter object to be updated in the server
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not saved


public Escalation getEscalation(String key)
                         throws ARException
Returns detailed information about the Escalation object specified by the given name.

key - Name of the escalation to fetch
Escalation object


public Escalation getEscalation(String key,
                                EscalationCriteria criteria)
                         throws ARException
Returns detailed information about the Escalation object.

key - name of the Escalation object to retrieve
criteria - A EscalationCriteria object containing the attributes to retrieve
ARException - if information is not returned


public List<String> getListEscalation()
                               throws ARException
return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects



public List<String> getListEscalation(String formName)
                               throws ARException
return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that is associated with the given form

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the escalation


public List<String> getListEscalation(long changedSince)
                               throws ARException
return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that is modified after the specified timestamp

changedSince - A timestamp that limits escalations retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.


public List<String> getListEscalation(String formName,
                                      long changedSince)
                               throws ARException
return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that is associated with the given form and modified after the specified timestamp.

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the escalation
changedSince - A timestamp that limits escalations retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.


public List<String> getListEscalation(String formName,
                                      long changedSince,
                                      ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
                               throws ARException
return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that match the given criteria

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the escalation
changedSince - A timestamp that limits escalations retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.
propsToSearch - A list of object properties to search for. Returns all escalations that match the object properties.
ARException - if list is not returned


public List<Escalation> getListEscalationObjects(String formName,
                                                 long changedSince,
                                                 EscalationCriteria criteria)
                                          throws ARException
Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Escalation objects that match the given criteria.

formName - the name of the form that is associated with the escalation
changedSince - A timestamp that limits escalations retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.
criteria - the attribute returned for each escalation object
ARException - if information is not returned


public List<Escalation> getListEscalationObjects(List<String> names,
                                                 long changedSince,
                                                 EscalationCriteria criteria)
                                          throws ARException
Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Escalation objects that match the given criteria.

names - names of the Escalation Objects retrieved.
changedSince - A timestamp that limits escalations retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.
criteria - the attribute returned for each escalation object
ARException - if information is not returned


public void createEscalation(Escalation object)
                      throws ARException
Creates this Escalation object into AR System server.

ARException - if object is not created


public void createEscalation(Escalation object,
                             String objectModificationLogLabel)
                      throws ARException
Creates this Escalation object into AR System server.

object -
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not created


public void deleteEscalation(String name,
                             int deleteOption)
                      throws ARException
Deletes this escalation from AR System server.

deleteOption - deleteOption is a bitmask value indicating the action to take. The values are:
ARException - if object is not deleted


public void deleteEscalation(String name,
                             int deleteOption,
                             String objectModificationLogLabel)
                      throws ARException
Deletes this escalation from AR System server.

name -
deleteOption - deleteOption is a bitmask value indicating the action to take. The values are:
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not deleted


public void setEscalation(Escalation object)
                   throws ARException
Updates this Escalation object on ARSystem server

object - the escalation to be updated
ARException - if object is not saved


public void setEscalation(Escalation object,
                          String objectModificationLogLabel)
                   throws ARException
Updates this Escalation object on ARSystem server

object - the escalation to be updated
objectModificationLogLabel -
ARException - if object is not saved


public List<EntryPointInfo> getListEntryPoint(long changedSince,
                                              List<String> applicationKeys,
                                              int[] refTypes,
                                              int viewType,
                                              String displayTag,
                                              boolean hiddenFlag)
                                       throws ARException
Retrieves all application entry points that match with the given criteria. These entry points include active link guide entry points and default entry points of a form.

changedSince - A timestamp that limits entry pointer retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve filters with any modification timestamp.
applicationKeys - the names of a list of application that contains the entry point
refTypes - a list of reference type
viewType - the type of view to retrieve. Specify null for this parameter if you do not want to retrieve the view name. the type can be:
displayTag - the name of the form view to use for the entry point label. if the specified view does not exist or you specify null for this parameter, the ARSystem uses default view instead.
hiddenFlag - a flag indicate if retrieve both visible and hidden entry point.


public ServerInfoMap getServerInfo(int[] requestList)
                            throws ARException
Returns the requested configuration information for the specified server. This operation can be performed by all users.

Server Options Whose Values Can Be Retrieved

Server Options Whose Values Can Be Read But Not Set

ARException - if configuration information is not returned


public void setServerInfo(ServerInfoMap serverInfoMap)
                   throws ARException
Updates the indicated configuration information for the specified server. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges.

Server Options Whose Values Can Be Retrieved

Server Options Whose Values Can Be Read But Not Set

ARException - if configuration information is not updated


public ServerInfoMap getServerStatistics(int[] requestList)
                                  throws ARException
Returns the requested statistics for the specified server. The counts returned generally represent the number of occurrences since starting the server. If a statistic reaches the maximum value for a long integer, the system resets the counter and begins incrementing again.

Can be performed by all users.

requestList - Returns a list of one or more statistics.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_API_REQUESTS is the total number of API requests received.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_API_TIME is the total processor time spent performing API function calls.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_BAD_PASSWORD is the total number of times an incorrect password was specified during login.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_CACHE_TIME is the total processor time spent loading the internal cache to improve performance.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_CPU is the total CPU time used by the server.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_CREATE_E_COUNT is the total number of calls made to the ARCreateEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_CREATE_E_TIME is the total processor time spent performing the ARCreateEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_CURRENT_USERS is the total number of users currently accessing the system.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_DELETE_E_COUNT is the total number of calls made to the ARDeleteEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_DELETE_E_TIME is the total processor time spent performing the ARDeleteEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_ENTRY_TIME is the total processor time spent performing API function calls that manipulate entries.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_ESCL_DISABLE is the total number of escalations that were evaluated but skipped because they were marked disabled.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_ESCL_FAILED is the total number of escalations that were skipped (qualification criteria not met).
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_ESCL_FIELDP is the total number of push fields escalation actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_ESCL_FIELDS is the total number of set fields escalation actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_ESCL_LOG is the total number of log escalation actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_ESCL_NOTIFY is the total number of notify escalation actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_ESCL_PASSED is the total number of escalations that were executed (qualification criteria met).
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_ESCL_PROCESS is the total number of run process escalation actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_ESCL_SQL is the total number of direct SQL escalation actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_ESCL_TIME is the total processor time spent checking and processing escalations.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_E_STATS_COUNT is the total number of calls made to the getEntryStatistics function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_E_STATS_TIME is the total processor time spent performing the getEntryStatistics function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FILTER_DISABLE is the total number of filters that were evaluated but skipped because they were marked disabled.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FILTER_FAILED is the total number of filters that were skipped (qualification criteria not met).
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FILTER_FIELDP is the total number of push fields filter actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FILTER_FIELDS is the total number of set fields filter actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FILTER_LOG is the total number of log filter actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FILTER_MESSAGE is the total number of message filter actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FILTER_NOTIFY is the total number of notify filter actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FILTER_PASSED is the total number of filters that were executed (qualification criteria met).
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FILTER_PROCESS is the total number of run process filter actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FILTER_SQL is the total number of direct SQL filter actions performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FILTER_TIME is the total processor time spent checking and processing filters.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FTS_SRCH_COUNT is the total number of Full Text Search operations performed.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FTS_SRCH_TIME is the total processor time spent performing Full Text Search operations.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FULL_FIXED is the total number of connected users with fixed Full Text Search licenses.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FULL_FLOATING is the total number of connected users with floating Full Text Search licenses.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_FULL_NONE is the total number of connected users with no Full Text Search license.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_GETLIST_E_COUNT is the total number of calls made to the getListEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_GETLIST_E_TIME is the total processor time spent performing the getListEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_GET_E_COUNT is the total number of calls made to the getEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_GET_E_TIME is the total processor time spent performing the getEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_IDLE_TIME is the total idle time when the server is not processing any requests.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_MERGE_E_COUNT is the total number of calls made to the ARMergeEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_MERGE_E_TIME is the total processor time spent performing the ARMergeEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_NET_RESP_TIME is the total time spent on the network responding to the client.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_NO_FULL_TOKEN is the total number of times a user tried to connect and no floating Full Text Search token was available.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_NO_WRITE_TOKEN is the total number of times a user tried to connect and no floating write token was available.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_NUMBER_BLOCKED is the total number of blocked processes. This statistic, in conjunction with the AR_SERVER_STAT_TIMES_BLOCKED statistic, enables you to determine the approximate number of processes being blocked per instance. For example, if AR_SERVER_STAT_TIMES_BLOCKED is three and AR_SERVER_STAT_NUMBER_BLOCKED is six, the six blocked processes could be distributed in three possible ways: In this example, the blocked processes could not be distributed as five in one instance, one in one instance, and none in one instance because, by definition, the number of instances represents those times when at least one process is blocked.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_OTHER_TIME is the total processor time spent performing API function calls that do not manipulate entries or restructure the database.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_RESTRUCT_TIME is the total processor time spent performing API function calls that restructure the database.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_SET_E_COUNT is the total number of calls made to the setEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_SET_E_TIME is the total processor time spent performing the setEntry function.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_SINCE_START is the number of seconds since the server was started (i.e. the total real time that the server process has been running).
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_SQL_DB_COUNT is the total number of SQL commands sent to the database.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_SQL_DB_TIME is the total processor time spent performing SQL commands.
  • (time stamp) AR_SERVER_STAT_START_TIME is the UNIX® time at which this server was started.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_TIMES_BLOCKED is the total number of instances in which at least one process was blocked by the current process. This statistic, in conjunction with the AR_SERVER_STAT_NUMBER_BLOCKED statistic enables you to determine the approximate number of processes being blocked per instance.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_WRITE_FIXED is the total number of connected users with fixed write licenses.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_WRITE_FLOATING is the total number of connected users with floating write licenses.
  • (integer) AR_SERVER_STAT_WRITE_READ is the total number of connected users with no write license.
    ARException - if statistics are not returned

  • createSupportFile

    public int createSupportFile(SupportFile supportFile)
                          throws ARException,
    Creates a new support file with the indicated information on the specified server. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    ARException - if support file is not created


    public void deleteSupportFile(SupportFileKey supportFileKey)
                           throws ARException
    Deletes the given support file from the server. It deletes any references to the support file from other containers. However, objects referenced by the support file are not deleted. This operation can only be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    supportFileKey - the key info to locate a support file in ARSystem server
    ARException - if support file is not deleted


    public SupportFile getSupportFile(String associatedObjName,
                                      int fileId)
                               throws ARException
    Retrieves the property of the support file that is associated with the given object and with a specific file id

    associatedObjName - the name of the associated activelink object
    fileId - the internal id of the support file
    ARException - if support file is not loaded


    public SupportFile getSupportFile(String associatedObjName,
                                      int fileId,
                                      String filePath)
                               throws ARException
    Retrieves the content of the support file indicated by the key information into a local file identified by the filePath.

    associatedObjName - the name of the associated activelink object
    fileId - the internal id of the support file
    filePath - the path of the local file that stores the support file
    ARException - if support file is not loaded


    public SupportFile getSupportFile(String associatedObjName,
                                      int fileId,
                                      int fileType,
                                      int supportingId,
                                      String filePath)
                               throws ARException
    Retrieves the content of the support file indicated by the key information into a local file identified by the filePath.

    associatedObjName - the name of the associated object. It can be a form or activelink.
    fileId - the internal id of the support file
    fileType - the type of the file. The value can be Constants.AR_SUPPORT_FILE_EXTERNAL_REPORT for an external report file that is associated with an active links
    supportingId - the id of the file or view if the associated object is a form. If it is not a form, set this parameter to 0.
    filePath - the path of the local file that stores the support file
    ARException - if support file is not loaded


    public void setSupportFile(SupportFile supportFile)
                        throws ARException
    Updates this support file onto ARSystem server

    supportFile - the supportFile to be updated
    ARException - if support file is not saved


    public List<Integer> getListSupportFile(int fileType,
                                            String associatedObjName,
                                            int supportingId,
                                            long changedSince)
                                     throws ARException
    Returns the ids of all support files that match the given criteria, and the current user has privilege to the specified objects

    fileType - the type of the file. The value can be Constants.AR_SUPPORT_FILE_EXTERNAL_REPORT for an external report file that is associated with an active links
    associatedObjName - the name of the associated object. It can be a form or activelink.
    supportingId - the id of the file or view if the associated object is a form. If it is not a form, set this parameter to 0.
    changedSince - A timestamp that limits support files retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve support files with any modification timestamp.
    ids of all qualified support files


    public List<SupportFile> getListSupportFileObjects(int fileType,
                                                       String associatedObjName,
                                                       int supportingId,
                                                       long changedSince)
                                                throws ARException
    Returns all SupportFile objects that match the given criteria, and the current user has privilege to the specified objects

    fileType - the type of the file. The value can be Constants.AR_SUPPORT_FILE_EXTERNAL_REPORT for an external report file that is associated with an active links
    associatedObjName - the name of the associated object. It can be a form or activelink.
    supportingId - the id of the file or view if the associated object is a form. If it is not a form, set this parameter to 0.
    changedSince - A timestamp that limits support files retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve support files with any modification timestamp.
    list of qualified support files


    public List<String> getMultipleCurrencyRatioSets(List<Timestamp> ratioTimestamps)
                                              throws ARException
    Retrieves a list of formatted currency ratio sets valid for the time specified in the argument. You can use getCurrencyRatio to extract a specific currency ratio from a ratio set that this call returns.

    ratioTimestamps - a set of timestamps that represent times to retrieve sets of ratios. Specify Constants.AR_CURRENT_CURRENCY_RATIOS as a timestamp to retrieve a set of current ratios for each conversion combination.


    public List<GroupInfo> getListGroup(String user,
                                        String password)
                                 throws ARException
    Returns a list of access control groups on the specified server. You can retrieve all groups or limit the list to groups associated with a particular user.

    Group information for the current user can be retrieved by all users. Access to group information for other users is limited to users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    user - the name of the user for which the system retrieves group information
    password - the password of the user for which the system retrieves group infomation.
    ARException - if list is not returned


    public List<RoleInfo> getListRole(String application,
                                      String user,
                                      String password)
                               throws ARException
    Returns a list of roles for a user for a deployable application on the specified server. You can retrieve all roles for an application or limit the list to roles associated with a particular user.

    Role information for the current user can be retrieved by all users. Access to role information for other users is limited to users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    application - the name of the specific application to get roles from
    user - the name of the user for whom the system retrieves role information. Specify null to retrieve all roles for the application.
    password - the password of the user for whom the system retrieves role information.
    ARException - if list is not returned


    public List<UserInfo> getListUser()
                               throws ARException
    Returns a list of users currently accessing the specified AR System server.

    Information about the current user can be retrieved by all users. Access to information about other users is limited to users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    List of users currently accessing the specified AR System server
    ARException - if list of users cannot be returned


    public List<UserInfo> getListUser(int type)
                               throws ARException
    Returns a list of users on the specified AR System server. You can retrieve information about the current user, all registered users, or all users currently accessing the server.

    Information about the current user can be retrieved by all users. Access to information about other users is limited to users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    type - a value indicates the type of users to retrieve. The value can be:
    List of users currently accessing the specified AR System server
    ARException - if list of users cannot be returned


    public List<UserInfo> getListUser(int type,
                                      long changedSince)
                               throws ARException
    Returns a list of users on the specified AR System server. You can retrieve information about the current user, all registered users, or all users currently accessing the server.

    Information about the current user can be retrieved by all users. Access to information about other users is limited to users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    type - a value indicates the type of users to retrieve. The value can be:
    changedSince - A time stamp that limits the users retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve users with any modification time stamp. This parameter is applicable only when retrieving registered users (i.e. type parameter is specified as AR_USER_LIST_REGISTERED).
    ARException - if list is not returned


    public List<String> getAllLocalHostIDs()
                                    throws ARException
    Get all local host ID's. It will return a list of all hostId's.



    public List<String> getListApplicationState()
                                         throws ARException
    Retrieves the list of possible application state (maintenance, test or production) that an application on this AR System server.

    ARException - if information is not retrieved


    public String getApplicationState(String applicationName)
                               throws ARException
    Retrieves the current state of a given application. The state can be maintenance, test or production

    applicationName - The name of the application
    State of the application
    ARException - (subclass ARBulkException) if an error occurs


    public void setApplicationState(String applicationName,
                                    String newState)
                             throws ARException
    Sets the state of a given application

    applicationName - the name of the application
    newState - Statet of the application. The value can be maintenance, test or production
    ARException - (subclass ARBulkException) if an error occurs


    public List<LicenseInfo> getListLicense(String licenseType)
                                     throws ARException
    Returns list of license info LicenseInfo for the specified type.

    licenseType - the type of licenses to retrieve. If the value of this argument is null, this method returns all type of licenses that are available.
    ARException - if list is not returned


    public List<String> getListAlertUser()
                                  throws ARException
    Gets list of registered Alert users.

    ARException - if list is not returned


    public String getTextForErrorMessage(int msgId)
                                  throws ARException
    Returns the message text for the specified error from the local catalog (in the local language). The length of the text is limited by AR_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE (255 bytes). This operation can be performed by all users.

    msgId - Error number whose message text you want to retrieve.
    ARException - if message text is not returned


    public String getServerCharSet()
                            throws ARException
    Returns the servers char set as a string.

    ARException - for any error in this operation


    public void impersonateUser(String impersonatedUser)
                         throws ARException
    Enables plug-ins, midtier or other program to run as an administrator in this session, but to perform operations as a specific user (with that user's permission and licensing in effect).

    impersonatedUser - the name of the user that the API is impersonating. Specify null if you want to stop impersonating.
    ARException - if impersonation failed.


    public List<StatisticsResultInfo> getEntryStatistics(String formKey,
                                                         QualifierInfo qual,
                                                         ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand target,
                                                         int statistic,
                                                         int[] groupByList)
                                                  throws ARException
    Computes the indicated statistic for the form entries that match the conditions specified by the qualifier parameter. The system returns information based on the access privileges of the user you specify for the ARServerUser. All statistics, therefore, are limited to entries the user can access (users must have permission for the field to access and retrieve entries).

    formKey - the name of the form to compute entry statistics for
    qual - the query that determines the set of entries to use.
    target - the arithmetic operation that defines the statistics to compute.
    statistic - a value indicate statistic type. the value can be:
    groupByList - a list of fields to group the result by.
    ARException - if statistic is not computed


    public SQLResult getListSQL(String sqlCommand,
                                int maxRetrieve,
                                boolean retrieveNumMatches)
                         throws ARException
    Returns a list of rows from the underlying SQL database on the specified server. The server executes the SQL command you specify and returns the matching rows. A list with zero items and a warning message are returned if no SQL database resides on the server. The system returns information based on the access privileges of the user who launched the AR System server.

    Can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    sqlCommand - SQL command to execute (following the syntax rules for the underlying database). The owner of the AR System server process must have permission to perform the specified SQL operation.
    maxRetrieve - Enter an integer value to limit the number of rows retrieved. Value of 0 would retrieve all the rows.
    retrieveNumMatches - Enter a boolean value of TRUE to retrieve the total count of rows if you didn't want to retrieve all the rows. See the method SQLResult.getTotalNumberOfMatches().
    ARException - if list is not returned


    public void registerForAlerts(int clientPort,
                                  int registrationFlags)
                           throws ARException
    Register a client with the server to receive alert signals. Note that this function performs an intentional disconnect from the server upon completion of the RPC call.

    clientPort - The client port number.
    registrationFlags - This value is reserved for future use and should be set to zero.


    public void deregisterForAlerts(int clientPort)
                             throws ARException
    Deregister a client with the server so they no longer receive alert indicators.

    clientPort - The client port number.
    ARException - if client is not deregistered


    public String createAlertEvent(String user,
                                   String alertText,
                                   int priority,
                                   String sourceTag,
                                   String server,
                                   String formName,
                                   String objectId)
                            throws ARException
    Enters an alert event into the system. When an entry is made into the Alert Events form, an indicator of that alert is sent to the specified user if that user is registered to receive them.

    user - The user who receives the alert. Specify * (AR_REGISTERED_BROADCAST) to create an alert event for all users that are currently registered to receive alerts with the AR System server. You cannot specify a group name for this argument.
    alertText - The text that the alert contains.
    priority - A relative value that represents the priority for this alert. The range of acceptable values is between 0 and 10.
    sourceTag - A string that identifies the source of the alert. The AR System provides two predefined values for this string: AR - alert originated from the AR System FB - alert originated from Flashboards
    server - The name of the server that is the source of the alert. Use @ to specify the current server. Specify NULL for this parameter if the parameter is not applicable to the type of alert that this call creates.
    formName - The name of the form that is the source of the alert. For Flashboards, this is the name of the Flashboard that generated the alert. Specify NULL for this parameter if the parameter is not applicable to the type of alert that this call creates.
    objectId - For AR System, this value is the Entry ID of the originating request. For Flashboards, this value is the name of the Flashboard event that the user provides. Specify NULL for this parameter if the parameter is not applicable to the type of alert that this call creates.
    Id of the just created alert event


    public int getAlertCount(QualifierInfo qual)
                      throws ARException
    Gets number of alert events that meet the specified qualification.

    qual - the query criteria that determines the alert count
    ARException - if alert count is not returned


    public String encodeARQualifierStruct(QualifierInfo qual)
                                   throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by encodeQualification(com.bmc.arsys.api.QualifierInfo)

    Encode of QualifierInfo. Converts QualifierInfo to serialized qualification string.

    qual - the QualifierInfo object to encode
    ARException - if QualifierInfo is not encoded


    public QualifierInfo decodeARQualifierStruct(String queryString)
                                          throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by decodeQualification(java.lang.String)

    Decode of QualifierInfo. Converts serialized qualifier string to QualifierInfo.

    queryString - the qualifier string to decode from
    ARException - if QualifierInfo is not decoded


    public String encodeARAssignStruct(AssignInfo assign)
                                throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by encodeAssignment(com.bmc.arsys.api.AssignInfo)

    Encode of AssignInfo. Converts AssignInfo to serialized qualification string.

    assign - the AssignInfo object to encode


    public AssignInfo decodeARAssignStruct(String assignString)
                                    throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by decodeAssignment(java.lang.String)

    Decode of AssignInfo. Converts serialized Assign string to AssignInfo.

    assignString - the assignment string to decode from
    ARException - if AssignInfo is not decoded


    public AlertMessageInfo decodeAlertMessage(AlertMessageCriteria criteria,
                                               Object message,
                                               int length)
                                        throws ARException
    Decode supplied alert message and return component parts.

    Interface Change: The data supplied for the message parameter should be a byte array containing binary data received from the server. In previous versions the message parameter was a String. It was changed to an Object to facilitate the transition from String to byte array.

    ARException - if message is not decoded


    public String getLocalHostID()
                          throws ARException
    Get License host ID. It will return a String that holds host ID.

    ARException - if host ID is not returned


    public List<MenuItem> convertStringToListMenu(String menuString)
                                           throws ARException
    Converts a string to a list of MenuItem objects

    ARException - if string is not converted


    public String xmlCreateEntry(String inputMapping,
                                 String inputDoc,
                                 String outputMapping,
                                 String optionDoc)
                          throws ARException
    AR System internal use only.



    public String xmlSetEntry(String queryMapping,
                              String queryDoc,
                              String inputMapping,
                              String inputDoc,
                              String outputMapping,
                              String optionDoc)
                       throws ARException
    AR System internal use only.



    public String xmlGetEntry(String queryMapping,
                              String queryDoc,
                              String outputMapping,
                              String optionDoc)
                       throws ARException
    AR System internal use only.



    public void beginBulkEntryTransaction()
                                   throws ARException
    Marks the beginning of a bulk entry transaction.



    public List<BulkEntryReturn> endBulkEntryTransaction(int actionType)
                                                  throws ARException
    Marks the ending of a bulk entry transaction.

    actionType - the action to take when the bulk transaction ends. The values are:


    public BigDecimal getCurrencyRatio(String currencyRatioSet,
                                       String fromCurrencyCode,
                                       String toCurrencyCode)
                                throws ARException
    Search through a supplied currency ratios string to find an entry that matches the requested currency codes. The ratios string is in a format like USDCAD.987/USDEUR1.09/ and the currency code portion is in sorted order. If the requested currency code combination cannot be found, the return value is null.

    currencyRatioSet - the currency ratio set that we search the currency ratio from
    fromCurrencyCode - the source currency code for the conversion ratio
    toCurrencyCode - the target currency code for the conversion ratio


    public LocalizedValueInfo getLocalizedValue(LocalizedValueCriteria criteria,
                                                LocalizedRequestInfo request)
                                         throws ARException
    Gets a localized text string from the message catalog form. Return an appropriate string along with a code for how the string was found or a NULL return if there was nothing found -- not even a default.

    criteria - The localized value to be retrieved. The value can be a character value or an attachment. Specify NULL for this argument if you do not want to retrieve this value.
    request - Identification for the localized value to be retrieved from the AR System Message Catalog. It contains the type of value, , value name, and, for some types of values, unique identification numbers.
    ARException - if string is not returned


    public List<LocalizedValueInfo> getMultipleLocalizedValues(LocalizedValueCriteria criteria,
                                                               List<LocalizedRequestInfo> requests)
                                                        throws ARException
    Gets multiple localized texts from the catalog file. It will return a blank return struct if nothing found. This call retrieves multiple localized text strings from the AR System Message Catalog. The messages that the server retrieves depend on the user locale. This function is easier to use and more efficient than retrieving multiple values one by one.

    criteria - A list of the localized values to be retrieved. The values can be a character value or an attachment. Specify NULL for this argument if you do not want to retrieve a value.
    requests - A list of identifications for the localized value to be retrieved. The list contains the type of value, value name, and, for some types of values, unique identification numbers.
    ARException - if localized texts are are not returned


    public String exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items)
                     throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.

    Exports the specified structure from the server to a buffer in ARS def format. We check the first item type to determin if the export format is set to XML, then set the rest of the items be the same setting.

    This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges.

    items - This is a raw type list that can be a collection of IARPersistentObject or StructItemInfo objects.
    ARException - if structure definition is not exported


    public String exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items,
                                       boolean asXml)
                     throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.

    Exports the provided structure from the server to a buffer in the specified format.

    This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges.

    items - This is a raw type list that can be a collection of IARPersistentObject or StructItemInfo objects.
    asXml - if export the structure in XML format
    ARException - if structure definition is not exported


    public String exportDef(List items,
                                       boolean asXml,
                                       WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
                     throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.

    Exports the specified structure from the server to a buffer in the specified format. The objects exported by this method are locked. The "locking" feature is for protecting intellectual property. You can export the workflow as locked and deliver it to your customers. When your customer imports the workflow, the system will seamlessly run the workflow but restrict the clients from getting the definition data. Thus, it prevents the definition to be viewed or modified.

    This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges.

    items - the structure items to be exported. This is a raw type list that can be a collection of IARPersistentObject or StructItemInfo objects.
    asXml - if export the structure in XML format
    lockInfo - the lock info to enable export locked objects.
    ARException - if structure definition is not exported


    public String exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items,
                                       WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
                     throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.

    Exports the specified structure from the server to a buffer in ARSystem def format. We check the first item type to determin if the export format is set to XML, then set the rest of the items be the same setting. The objects exported by this method are locked. The "locking" feature is for protecting intellectual property. You can export the workflow as locked and deliver it to your customers. When your customer imports the workflow, the system will seamlessly run the workflow but restrict the clients from getting the definition data. Thus, it prevents the definition to be viewed or modified.

    This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges.

    items - the structure items to be exported.
    lockInfo - the lock info to enable export locked objects.
    ARException - if structure definition is not exported


    public String exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items,
                                       String displayTag,
                                       int vuiType,
                                       WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
                     throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.

    Exports the specified structure from the server to a buffer in ARSystem def format. We check the first item type to determin if the export format is set to XML, then set the rest of the items be the same setting. The objects exported by this method are locked. The "locking" feature is for protecting intellectual property. You can export the workflow as locked and deliver it to your customers. When your customer imports the workflow, the system will seamlessly run the workflow but restrict the clients from getting the definition data. Thus, it prevents the definition to be viewed or modified.

    This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges.

    items - the structure items to be exported.
    displayTag - the label of the form view to export. This parameter is used along with structure items type Constants.AR_STRUCT_ITEM_SCHEMA_VIEW. If the specified view does not exist or null is specified for this parameter, the system exports the default view.
    vuiType - the type of view to export. The value can be:
    lockInfo - the lock info to enable export locked objects.
    ARException - if structure definition is not exported


    public String exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items,
                                       boolean asXml,
                                       String displayTag,
                                       int vuiType,
                                       WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
                     throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.

    Exports the specified structure from the server to a buffer in ARSystem def or xml format. The objects exported by this method are locked. The "locking" feature is for protecting intellectual property. You can export the workflow as locked and deliver it to your customers. When your customer imports the workflow, the system will seamlessly run the workflow but restrict the clients from getting the definition data. Thus, it prevents the definition to be viewed or modified.

    This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges.

    items - the structure items to be exported.
    asXml - if export the structure in XML format
    displayTag - the label of the form view to export. This parameter is used along with structure items type Constants.AR_STRUCT_ITEM_SCHEMA_VIEW. If the specified view does not exist or null is specified for this parameter, the system exports the default view.
    vuiType - the type of view to export. The value can be:
    lockInfo - the lock info to enable export locked objects.
    ARException - if structure definition is not exported


    public void exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items,
                                boolean asXml,
                                String defXmlFile,
                                boolean overwrite)
                         throws ARException,
    Exports the specified structure from the server to a file in ARSystem def or xml format.

    This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges.

    items - the structure items to be exported. This is a raw type list that can be a collection of IARPersistentObject or StructItemInfo objects.
    asXml - if export the structure in XML format
    defXmlFile - the full name of the file that stores the exported definition.
    overwrite - a flag that decides if we overwrite the file if the file already exists.
    ARException - if structure definition is not exported


    public void exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items,
                                boolean asXml,
                                String defXmlFile,
                                boolean overwrite,
                                int expOption)
                         throws ARException,
    Exports the specified structure from the server to a file in ARSystem def or xml format.

    This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges.

    items - the structure items to be exported. This is a raw type list that can be a collection of IARPersistentObject or StructItemInfo objects.
    asXml - if export the structure in XML format
    defXmlFile - the full name of the file that stores the exported definition.
    overwrite - a flag that decides if we overwrite the file if the file already exists.
    expOption - a bit-mask to provide additional options when exporting an App object.
    ARException - if structure definition is not exported


    public void exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items,
                                boolean asXml,
                                WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo,
                                String filePath,
                                boolean overwrite,
                                int expOption)
                         throws ARException,
    Exports the specified structure from the server to a file in ARSystem def or xml format. The objects exported by this method are locked. The "locking" feature is for protecting intellectual property. You can export the workflow as locked and deliver it to your customers. When your customer imports the workflow, the system will seamlessly run the workflow but restrict the clients from getting the definition data. Thus, it prevents the definition to be viewed or modified.

    This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges.

    items - the structure items to be exported. This is a raw type list that can be a collection of IARPersistentObject or StructItemInfo objects.
    asXml - if export the structure in XML format
    lockInfo - the lock info to enable export locked objects.
    filePath - the full name of the file that stores the exported definition.
    overwrite - a flag that decides if we overwrite the file if the file already exists.
    expOption - a bit-mask to provide additional options when exporting an App object.
    ARException - if structure definition is not exported


    public void exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items,
                                boolean asXml,
                                WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo,
                                String filePath,
                                boolean overwrite)
                         throws ARException,


    public void exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items,
                                boolean asXml,
                                String displayTag,
                                int vuiType,
                                WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo,
                                String filePath,
                                boolean overwrite)
                         throws ARException,


    public void exportDefToFile(List items,
                                boolean asXml,
                                String displayTag,
                                int vuiType,
                                WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo,
                                String filePath,
                                boolean overwrite,
                                int expOption)
                         throws ARException,
    Exports the specified structure from the server to a file in ARSystem def or xml format. The objects exported by this method are locked. The "locking" feature is for protecting intellectual property. You can export the workflow as locked and deliver it to your customers. When your customer imports the workflow, the system will seamlessly run the workflow but restrict the clients from getting the definition data. Thus, it prevents the definition to be viewed or modified.

    This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges.

    items - the structure items to be exported. This is a raw type list that can be a collection of IARPersistentObject or StructItemInfo objects.
    asXml - if export the structure in XML format
    displayTag - the label of the form view to export. This parameter is used along with structure items type Constants.AR_STRUCT_ITEM_SCHEMA_VIEW. If the specified view does not exist or null is specified for this parameter, the system exports the default view.
    vuiType - the type of view to export. The value can be:
    lockInfo - the lock info to enable export locked objects.
    filePath - the full name of the file that stores the exported definition.
    overwrite - a flag that decides if we overwrite the file if the file already exists.
    expOption - a bit-mask to provide additional options when exporting an App object.
    ARException - if structure definition is not exported


    public void importDefFromFile(String filePath)
                           throws ARException,
    Import all definitions into the server from given file. If objects defined in the file has already exist in the server, the object definition in the server is replaced. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    filePath - File path
    IOException - if file could not be read


    public void importDefFromFile(String filePath,
                                  int optionMask)
                           throws ARException,
    Import all definitions, using the given import option, into the server from given file This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    filePath - File path
    optionMask - Import option mask is one (or bit-wise OR of multiple) Constants.AR_IMPORT_OPT_* constants.
    ARException - if structure definition is not imported
    IOException - if file could not be read


    public void importDefFromFile(String filePath,
                                  List<StructItemInfo> items)
                           throws ARException,
    Import given object definitions into the server from given file. If objects defined in the file has already exist in the server, the object definition in the server is replaced. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    filePath - File path
    items - list of items to import
    ARException - if structure definition is not imported
    IOException - if file could not be read


    public void importDefFromFile(String filePath,
                                  int optionMask,
                                  List<StructItemInfo> items)
                           throws ARException,
    Import the provided object definitions into the server using the specified import option. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    filePath - File path
    optionMask - Import option mask is one (or bit-wise OR of multiple) Constants.AR_IMPORT_OPT_* constants.
    items - list of items to import
    ARException - if structure definition is not imported
    IOException - if file could not be read


    public void importDefFromFile(String filePath,
                                  int optionMask,
                                  List<StructItemInfo> items,
                                  String objectModificationLogLabel)
                           throws ARException,
    Import the provided object definitions into the server using the specified import option. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    filePath - File path
    optionMask - Import option mask is one (or bit-wise OR of multiple) Constants.AR_IMPORT_OPT_* constants.
    items - list of items to import
    objectModificationLogLabel -
    ARException - if structure definition is not imported
    IOException - if file could not be read


    public void importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer)
                             throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.

    Import all definitions into the server from a given buffer. If objects defined in the buffer has already exist in the server, the object definition in the server is replaced. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    importBuffer - Buffer containing the definitions
    ARException - if structure definition is not imported


    public void importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer,
                                               int optionMask)
                             throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.

    Using the given import option, this method imports all definitions into the server from the provided buffer This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    importBuffer - Buffer containing the definitions
    optionMask - Import option mask is one (or bit-wise OR of multiple) Constants.AR_IMPORT_OPT_* constants.
    ARException - if structure definition is not imported


    public void importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer,
                                               List<StructItemInfo> items)
                             throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.

    Import the specified object definitions into the server from the given buffer. If objects defined in the buffer has already exist in the server, the object definition in the server is replaced. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    importBuffer - Buffer containing the definitions
    items - list of items to import
    ARException - if structure definition is not imported


    public void importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer,
                                               int optionMask,
                                               List<StructItemInfo> items)
                             throws ARException
    Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.

    Using the given import option, this method imports specified definitions into the server from the provided buffer This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    importBuffer - Buffer containing the definitions
    optionMask - Import option mask is one (or bit-wise OR of multiple) Constants.AR_IMPORT_OPT_* constants.
    items - list of items to import
    ARException - if structure definition is not imported


    public LicenseValidInfo validateLicense(String licenseType)
                                     throws ARException
    Validates license info. Returns LicenseValidInfo.

    ARException - if information is not validated


    public List<LicenseValidInfo> validateMultipleLicense(List<String> licenseTypes)
                                                   throws ARException
    Validates multiple license info. Returns list of LicenseValidInfo.

    ARException - if information is not validated


    public void signalServer(Map<SignalType,String> signals)
                      throws ARException
    send a signal to the server to perform the indicated op, i.e. recache, reload license information and etc

    signals - signals sent to the server.


    public void setChunkResponseSize(int chunkResponseSize)
    Set the chunk response size


    public int getChunkResponseSize()
    Get the chunk response size


    public void setTimeoutNormal(int timeoutNormal)
    Set the normal timeout. APIs use normal timeout are:


    public int getTimeoutNormal()
    Get the normal timeout


    public void setTimeoutLong(int timeoutLong)
    Set the long timeout. The APIs use long timeout are:


    public int getTimeoutLong()
    Get the long timeout


    public void setTimeoutXLong(int timeoutXLong)
    Set the extra long timeout. The APIs use extra long timeout are:


    public int getTimeoutXLong()
    Get the extra long timeout


    public void useAdminRpcQueue()
                          throws ARException
    Connect to the server using the admin queue. Use this whenever your application performs admin operations and always needs to retrieve the most up to date definitions from the server cache.

    ARException - if the session cannot use Admin Queue


    public void useDefaultRpcQueue()
                            throws ARException
    Connect to the server using the default queue, which is either List or Fast queue



    public void usePrivateRpcQueue(int rpcProgramNum)
                            throws ARException
    Communicate to the server using a private queue

    rpcProgramNum - the rpc program number for the private queue
    ARException - if the rpc program number is not in the range. the range is from AR_RPC_SPEC_QUEUE_MIN to AR_RPC_SPEC_QUEUE_MAX and from AR_RPC_PRIVATE_QUEUE_MIN to AR_RPC_PRIVATE_QUEUE_MAX


    public int getServerRpcQueueNumber()


    public void setClientType(int clientType)
    Set the client type


    public int getClientType()
    Get the client type


    public void setVUIType(int vuiType)
    Set the VUI type


    public int getVUIType()
    Get the VUI type


    public void setOverridePrevIP(boolean overridePrevIP)
    Set the override previous IP flag


    public boolean getOverridePrevIP()
    Get the override previous IP flag


    public String getLastID()


    public int getLastCount()


    public void setReservedParam1(String pParam)
    CAUTION: For AR System internal Only


    public String getReservedParam1()
    CAUTION: For AR System internal Only


    public ExtendedClassRegistry getExtendedClassRegistry()
    Returns the class extension registry object (if set previously), otherwise null.


    public void setExtendedClassRegistry(ExtendedClassRegistry ecr)
    Sets the class extension registry object. This registry object will be used by the Java API internal implementation for appropriately instantiating user extended types in place of usual Java API types.

    ecr -


    public String getDefaultOutputDirectory()
    the default output directory (used while SupportFile retrieval)


    public void setDefaultOutputDirectory(String defaultOutputDirectory)
    defaultOutputDirectory - the default output directory to set (used while SupportFile retrieval)


    public String toString()
    Returns a string description of the object.

    toString in class Object


    public int hashCode()
    Returns the hash code value for this instance of the current class. This method is supported as required by the general contract of Object.hashCode, for the benefit of hash tables such as those provided by java.util.Hashtable.

    hashCode in class Object
    returns the hash code for this instance


    public boolean equals(Object obj)
    Use this method for checking equality between the current object and the provided one. The result is true only if the argument is not null, is of the same type and represents the same content.

    equals in class Object
    obj - the object that we are comparing to
    returns a boolean that tells if the two objects equal


    public String getServerVersion()
    Return the version of the server


    public int getServerVersionMajor()
    return the major version number of this server


    public int getServerVersionMinor()
    return the minor version number of this server


    public String getServerVersionPatch()
    return the patch/build number of this server


    public QualifierInfo decodeQualification(String encodedQualText)
                                      throws ARException
    Decodes an encoded qualification String into internal data strucuture representation used by Java API.

    encodedQualText - the encoded qualification query string
    ARException - if the encoded string does not have a valid format


    public String encodeQualification(QualifierInfo qualifier)
                               throws ARException
    Encodes an internal data structure representation of qualification into String format

    qualifier - the qualification object to be encoded
    ARException - if the given QualifierInfo object is invalid


    public String encodeAssignment(AssignInfo assignment)
                            throws ARException
    Encodes an internal data structure representation of qualification into String format

    assignment - the assignment object to be encoded
    ARException - if the given AssignInfo object is invalid


    public AssignInfo decodeAssignment(String assignString)
                                throws ARException
    Decodes an encoded assignment String into internal data structure representation used by Java API

    assignString - the encoded assignment string
    ARException - if the encoded string does not have a valid format


    public String encodeDSOPoolAssignment(AssignInfo asgnInfo)
                                   throws ARException
    Encodes an internal data structure representation of Assignments into String format

    asgnInfo - the assignment object to be encoded
    String Encoded String
    ARException - if the given AssignInfo object is invalid


    public AssignInfo decodeDSOPoolAssignment(String encodedStr)
                                       throws ARException
    Decodes an encoded DSO Pool Mapping Assignment into internal structure representation used by AR Java API

    encodedStr - the encoded assignment string
    AssignInfo Internal representation of assignment
    ARException - if the encoded string does not have a valid format


    public String generateGUID()
                        throws ARException
    Generates a GUID by runninng a special AR System run process commands. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    Genetated guid
    ARException - if the GUID could not be generated


    public String generateGUID(String prefix)
                        throws ARException
    Generates a GUID by runninng a special AR System run process commands. This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.

    prefix - The prefix desired for the generated GUID. It can be one of - null, empty string (these cases are defauld guid generation); or a non-empty string. The generated guid will have the suggested prefix (if less than or equal to two chars length) or its first two characters.
    Genetated guid
    ARException - if the GUID could not be generated


    public boolean isMemberOfGroup(int groupId)
                            throws ARException
    Return is the current user member of the specified group



    public AssignInfo parseAssignment(String toForm,
                                      int fieldId,
                                      String fromForm,
                                      String expression)
                               throws ARException
    Parses a given readable assignment into internal structure

    toForm - Form containing the target field for this assignment
    fieldId - Target field
    fromForm - The assignment expression may include field references from this form
    expression - The readable assignment expression
    AssignInfo instance representing the parsed assignment
    ARException - denoting any parsing errors


    public QualifierInfo parseQualification(String form,
                                            String qualification)
                                     throws ARException
    Parses a given readable qualification string into internal structure. This method parses qualification with fields refered to by their database field ids or database names only. If field display labels per a specific form view are involved, then prefer to use other overload that accepts vui label as well.

    form - Form against which this qualification is defined
    qualification - Readable qualification string
    QualifierInfo parsed qualification
    ARException - denoting any parsing errors


    public QualifierInfo parseQualification(String form,
                                            String vui,
                                            String qualification)
                                     throws ARException
    Parses a given qualification into internal structure. This overload allows specifying a vuiName so that qualification parsing can use field display labels per the given vui. Field database ids can always be used in qualifications.

    form - Form against which this qualification is defined
    vui - One of the following values:
  • null - no display labels be considered;
  • "" - field display label per the default vui;
  • "SomeVuiLabelHere" - the field display labels per this vui
    qualification - Readable qualification string
    QualifierInfo parsed qualification
    ARException - denoting any parsing errors

  • parseFilterQualification

    public Object parseFilterQualification(String form,
                                           String qualification)
                                    throws ARException
    Parse a qualification that can be used with in a Filter Run If qualification

    form - Form against which this qualification is defined
    qualification - Readable qualification string
    QualifierInfo parsed qualification
    ARException - denoting any parsing errors


    public String formatQualification(String form,
                                      Object qualification)
                               throws ARException
    Formats an internal representation of a qualifier to a readable String

    form - Form against which this qualification is defined
    qualification - given qualification - it can be an encoded qualification representation (String) or a QualifierInfo object
    Readable qualification string
    ARException - in case of formatting errors


    public QualifierInfo parseSetIfQualification(String form1,
                                                 String form2,
                                                 String qualification)
                                          throws ARException
    Parses a given qualification (used as Set-If condition of a SetFields workflow action) into internal structure

    form1 - Local form on which this Set If workflow action is defined
    form2 - Remote/secondary form involved in this workflow action
    qualification - Readable qualification string
    QualifierInfo parsed qualification
    ARException - denoting any parsing errors


    public String formatSetIfQualification(String form1,
                                           String form2,
                                           Object qualification)
                                    throws ARException
    Formats internal structure of given qualification (used as Set-If condition of a SetFields workflow action)into a String representation

    form1 - Local form on which this Set If workflow action is defined
    form2 - Remote/secondary form involved in this workflow action
    qualification - given qualification - it can be an encoded qualification representation (String) or a QualifierInfo object
    Readable qualification string
    ARException - in case of formatting errors


    public String formatAssignment(String form,
                                   int fieldId,
                                   String form2,
                                   Object assignment)
                            throws ARException
    Formats an internal representation of a assignment expression to a readable String

    form - Form name that has the field against which this assignment is targetted at
    fieldId - Target field
    form2 - Remote/secondary form involved in this assignment expression (fields from this secondary form may appear in the assignment expression)
    assignment - Either an encoded assignment (String) or an AssignInfo
    Readable assignment string
    ARException - in case of formatting errors


    public ProcessResult executeSpecialCommand(String cmd,
                                               Object... parameters)
                                        throws ARException
    Executes one of the special AR System run process commands

    cmd - The command line
    parameters - Appropriate parameters for the given special command
    ProcessResult Result of running the special command
    ARException - if command is not performed


    public HashMap<Integer,ObjectOperationTimes> getObjectChangeTimes()
                                                               throws ARException
    Gets a HashMap of arserver objects and the timestamps for the last create, modify, or delete operation on each object.

    HashMap of server objects (AR_STRUCT_ITEM types) and ObjectOperationTimes containing timetamps for the last operations on each object
    ARException - if called with JNI version of Java API instead of pure Java implementation


    public Image getImage(String imageName)
                   throws ARException
    return the requested Image object from AR System server.

    imageName - the name of the image requested
    ARException - if object is not loaded


    public Image getImage(String imageName,
                          ImageCriteria criteria)
                   throws ARException
    return the requested Image object from AR System server.

    imageName - the name of the image requested
    criteria - the attribute returned for the Image object
    ARException - if object is not loaded


    public List<Image> getListImageObjects(String formName)
                                    throws ARException
    Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Image objects that are associated with the specified form

    formName - the name of the form that is associated with the image.


    public List<Image> getListImageObjects(String formName,
                                           long changedSince)
                                    throws ARException
    Returns detailed information for all Image objects that are associated with the specified form and modified after the given time.

    formName - the name of the form that is associated with the image.
    changedSince - A timestamp that limits the images retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve images with any modification timestamp.


    public List<Image> getListImageObjects(String formName,
                                           long changedSince,
                                           ImageCriteria criteria)
                                    throws ARException
    Returns detailed information for all Image objects specified by the criteria and ImageCriteria.

    formName - the name of the form that is associated with the image.
    changedSince - A timestamp that limits the images retrieved to those modified after the specified time.
    criteria - the infomation (attributes) to retrieve


    public List<Image> getListImageObjects()
                                    throws ARException
    Returns detailed information for all Image objects



    public List<Image> getListImageObjects(List<String> names)
                                    throws ARException
    Returns detailed information for the requested Image objects

    names - the names of images to retrieve


    public List<Image> getListImageObjects(List<String> names,
                                           ImageCriteria criteria)
                                    throws ARException
    Returns detailed information for the requested Image objects

    names - the names of images to retrieve
    criteria - the attribute returned for each image object


    public List<Image> getListImageObjects(List<String> names,
                                           long changedSince,
                                           ImageCriteria criteria)
                                    throws ARException
    Returns detailed information for the requested Image objects and is modified after the give time

    names - the names of images to retrieve
    changedSince - A timestamp that limits the images retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve images with any modification timestamp.
    criteria - the attribute returned for each image object


    public void setImage(Image obj)
                  throws ARException
    Saves the changes made to the image object into AR System server

    ARException - if image is not updated


    public void setImage(Image obj,
                         String objectModificationLogLabel)
                  throws ARException
    Saves the changes made to the image object into AR System server

    obj -
    objectModificationLogLabel -
    ARException - if image is not updated


    public void createImage(Image obj)
                     throws ARException
    Creates this image on the server specified in the ARServerUser.

    ARException - if form is not created


    public void createImage(Image obj,
                            String objectModificationLogLabel)
                     throws ARException
    Creates this image on the server specified in the ARServerUser.

    obj -
    objectModificationLogLabel -
    ARException - if image is not created


    public void deleteImage(String imageName,
                            boolean updateRef)
                     throws ARException
    Deletes obj image from the server specified in the ARServerUser and optionally deletes any references to the image obj form, depending on the value of updateRef.

    ARException - if image is not deleted


    public void deleteImage(String imageName,
                            boolean updateRef,
                            String objectModificationLogLabel)
                     throws ARException
    Deletes obj image from the server specified in the ARServerUser and optionally deletes any references to the image obj form, depending on the value of updateRef.

    imageName -
    updateRef -
    objectModificationLogLabel -
    ARException - if image is not deleted


    public List<String> getListImage()
                              throws ARException
    return the names of all Image objects



    public List<String> getListImage(List<String> formList)
                              throws ARException
    return the names of all Image objects that are associated with the given list of forms

    formList - a list of forms to check to determine whether any images are that is associated with the escalation


    public List<String> getListImage(long changedSince)
                              throws ARException
    return the names of all Image objects that have been modified after the specified timestamp

    changedSince - A timestamp that limits images retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve images with any modification timestamp.


    public List<String> getListImage(String imageType)
                              throws ARException
    return the names of all Image objects of a specified type (ie, "jpg")

    imageType - A specific image type to retrieve from the server. Specify a null string to retrieve all image types.


    public List<String> getListImage(List<String> formList,
                                     long changedSince,
                                     String imageType)
                              throws ARException
    return the names of all Image objects that match the given criteria

    formList - the list of forms to retrieve image objects from Specify null to retrieve images from all forms
    changedSince - A timestamp that limits images retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve images with any modification timestamp.
    imageType - A specific image type to retrieve from the server. Specify a null string to retrieve all image types.


    public List<String> getListImage(List<String> formList,
                                     long changedSince,
                                     String imageType,
                                     ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
                              throws ARException
    return the names of all Image objects that match the given criteria

    formList - the list of forms to retrieve image objects from Specify null to retrieve images from all forms
    changedSince - A timestamp that limits images retrieved to those modified after the specified time. Specify 0 for this parameter to retrieve images with any modification timestamp.
    imageType - A specific image type to retrieve from the server. Specify a null string to retrieve all image types.
    objPropList - the list of object properties to retrieve image objects from. Sepcify null to retrieve images for all the object properties.
    ARException - if list is not returned


    public void deleteAlert(String entryId)
                     throws ARException
    Deletes an alert event from the system.

    entryId - This value is the Entry ID of the alert event returned at the time of creation.


    public String getTransactionHandle()
    For ARSystem internal use only.

    getTransactionHandle in class com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextBase


    public String beginClientManagedTransaction()
                                         throws ARException
    Begin a client managed transaction. This will return a transaction handle at successful completion of the API.

    This call is reserved for future use.

    ARException - if creating a transaction handle is not successful.


    public void endClientManagedTransaction(int transactionOption)
                                     throws ARException
    End a client managed transaction. The transaction handle in the user will set to null after this API is done.

    This call is reserved for future use.

    transactionOption - The parameter which will be filled with the transactionHandle
    ARException - if commiting/rollback of the transaction is not successful


    public void setClientManagedTransaction(String transactionHandle)
                                     throws ARException
    Sets a client managed transaction. The transaction handle to be set is passed as an argument.

    This call is reserved for future use.

    transactionHandle - The parameter which will be filled with the transactionHandle to be set.


    public void removeClientManagedTransaction()
                                        throws ARException
    Removes a client managed transaction handle from the ARServerUser

    This call is reserved for future use.



    public int[] wfdExecute(int mode)
                     throws ARException
    Tell the debug worker thread to begin execution

    mode - How to execute? single step, run to bp etc. 0 indicates single step.


    public WfdDebugLocation wfdGetDebugLocation(int depth)
                                         throws ARException
    returns the current location of the debug thread

    depth - How far back on the stack to retrieve location info 0 indicates current.


    public int wfdGetDebugMode()
                        throws ARException
    Get debug mode, indicating which stopping points are enforced

    mode Where to stop? Begin API, Pre-Qual, Phase1, etc. 0 indicates none.


    public void wfdSetDebugMode(int mode)
                         throws ARException
    Set debug mode, indicating which stopping points to enforce

    mode - Where to stop? Begin API, Pre-Qual, Phase1, etc. 0 indicates none.


    public List<Entry> wfdGetFieldValues(int depth)
                                  throws ARException
    Get field values

    depth - Stack depth for desired FV lists. 0 indicates current.


    public void wfdSetFieldValues(List<Entry> fieldValues)
                           throws ARException
    Set field values

    fieldValues - Values to replace in existing transaction and database lists.


    public QualifierInfo wfdGetFilterQual()
                                   throws ARException
    Get Filter qualifier



    public void wfdSetQualifierResult(boolean result)
                               throws ARException
    Set qualifier result



    public void wfdTerminateAPI(int errorCode)
                         throws ARException
    Terminate API



    public Value wfdGetKeywordValue(int kwId)
                             throws ARException
    Get Keyword Value



    public WfdUserContext wfdGetUserContext(int mask)
                                     throws ARException
    Get User context



    public void wfdSetBreakpoint(int errorCode,
                                 WfdBreakpoint bp)
                          throws ARException
    Set Breakpoint



    public void wfdClearBreakpoint(int bpId)
                            throws ARException
    Clear Breakpoint



    public List<WfdBreakpoint> wfdListBreakpoints()
                                           throws ARException
    List Breakpoints



    public void wfdClearAllBreakpoints()
                                throws ARException
    Clear All Breakpoints



    public List<Integer> getCacheEvent(int[] eventIdList,
                                       int returnOption,
                                       OutputInteger cacheCount)
                                throws ARException
    Returns cache event IDs that have occurred.

    eventIdList - Events for which clients want to know the status. Values include: AR_CACHE_ADMINONLYCREATE_EVENT = 1, AR_CACHE_ADMINONLYPUBLIC_EVENT = 2, AR_CACHE_FREE_EVENT = 3, AR_CACHE_GROUPCHANGEPUBLIC_EVENT = 4.
    returnOption - This flag indicates whether client wants to wait(=1) for next event or wants to return immediately(=0). Default is to return immediately.
    cacheCount - It returns the total number of caches present at the time of call getting returned.
    Event IDs for those events that has occurred from the requested list after the request was made.
    ARException - If IDs are not loaded.


    public void runEscalation(String escalation)
                       throws ARException
    Run Escalation



    public ValidateFormCacheInfo getValidateFormCache(String form,
                                                      Timestamp mostRecentActLink,
                                                      Timestamp mostRecentMenu,
                                                      Timestamp mostRecentGuide)
                                               throws ARException
    The call provides the schema change information that can be used by Java API clients to validate it's local cache for given form. Client can optionally supply the most recent timestamp for cached menus, active links etc. The returned information consists of the active links changed, menus, and about user and group changes.

    form - Form name
    mostRecentActLink - Most recent modify time of active links cached for form.
    mostRecentMenu - Most recent modify time of menus cached for form.
    mostRecentGuide - Most recent modify time of guides cached for form.
    ValidateFormCacheInfo Holds the information about form schema changes.


    public com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiConfigI getApiConfig()


    public com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiPropertyManagerI getApiPropertyManager()


    public Entry setGetEntry(String formName,
                             String entryId,
                             Entry setEntry,
                             Timestamp getTime,
                             int nOption,
                             int[] entryListFields)
                      throws ARException
    Updates an the given entry in ARSystem server and fetch the entry back.

    formName - the name of the form that containing the entry
    entryId - the id of the entry
    setEntry - the entry to be updated
    getTime - Time stamp identifying when the entry was last retrieved. The system compares this value with the value in the Modified Date core field to determine whether the entry has been changed since the last retrieval. The system updates the entry if the value you specify is greater than Modified Date. If not, the system returns an error. You can either retrieve the entry again and determine whether to apply your changes or specify 0 for this parameter to bypass the time stamp comparison.
    nOption - Value indicating whether users can update fields specified in the join qualification (applicable for join forms only).
      Users can update fields used in the join criteria (thereby causing the entry to no longer appear in the join form).
      Users cannot update fields used in the join criteria.
    entryListFields - a list of zero or more ids specifying the fields to retrieve. specifing null or zero fields for this parameter to retrieve all (accessible) fields. To minimize network traffic, specify only the fields you need if you do not require the data for all fields. If an attachment field is specified in this list, only its name, size and compress size will be returned.
    ARException - (subclass ARSetGetEntryException) if an error occurs


    public OverlayPropInfo createOverlay(OverlaidInfo object)
                                  throws ARException
    Creates overlay for the specified OverlaidInfo object on AR System server.

    object - the info about the object to be overlaid
    ARException - if object is not created


    public OverlayPropInfo createOverlayFromObject(OverlaidInfo baseObj,
                                                   OverlaidInfo customObj)
                                            throws ARException
    Creates overlay of the specified custom object that was created at customer's environment. This API is used by CCU tool to create an overlay of any custom objects that customer created by following best practices of creating a duplicate copy of our OOB object and modifying it.

    baseObj - the info about the object to be overlaid
    ARException - if object is not created

    AR System Java API

    © Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.