AR System Java API | |||||||||
public class ParameterValidator
This class is used to validate all the input parameters. The format and contents of the parameters are tested to see if the operation should continue or should be stopped due to errors with the input data.
Constructor Summary | |
ParameterValidator(String serverCharSetName)
Method Summary | |
Value |
encryptValue(String charSet,
Value argValue)
void |
validateARAccessNameType(String name,
boolean nullOk)
void |
validateARActiveLinkActionInfo(ActiveLinkAction action)
Validate that an object variable of type ActiveLinkAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARActiveLinkActionList(List<ActiveLinkAction> actionList,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that list of objects of type type ActiveLinkAction each contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARArithOpAssignInfo(ArithOpAssignInfo arithOp)
Validate that an object of type ArithOpAssignInfo contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARArithOpInfo(ArithmeticOperationInfo arthOp)
void |
validateARAssignFieldInfo(AssignFieldInfo field)
Validate that an object of type ARAssignFieldInfo contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARAssignFilterApiInfo(AssignFilterApiInfo filterApi)
Validate that an object of type AssignFilterApiInfo contains valid parameters. |
void |
validateARAssignInfo(AssignInfo assignment)
Validate that an object of type AssignInfo contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARAssignSQLInfo(AssignSQLInfo sql)
Validate that an object of type ARFieldSQLInfo contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARAutomationInfo(OleAutomationAction olaa)
Validate that an object variable of type OleAutomationAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARCallGuide(CallGuideAction cga,
int itemFilter)
Validate that an object of type CallGuideAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARCharMenuItemInfo(MenuItem item,
int level)
Validate that an object of type MenuItem contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARCharMenuList(ListMenu lm,
int level)
Validate that an object of type ListMenu contains a value and that the value is legal |
void |
validateARCommand(String arg1)
void |
validateARCOMMethodInfo(COMMethodInfo cmi,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that an object of type COMMethodInfo contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARCOMMethodList(List<COMMethodInfo> methodList,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that the List of objects of type COMMethodInfo each contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARCOMMethodParmInfo(COMMethodParmInfo cmpi,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that an object of type COMMethodParmInfo contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARCOMMethodParmList(List<COMMethodParmInfo> parameterList,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that List of objects of type COMMethodParmInfo each contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARCOMValueInfo(COMValueInfo cvi,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that an object of type COMValueInfo contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARContainerOwnerObj(ContainerOwner containerOwner)
Validate that an object of type ContainerOwner contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARContainerOwnerObjList(List<ContainerOwner> containerOwner)
Validate that List of objects of type ContainerOwner each contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARDDEInfo(DDEAction dde)
Validate that an object of type DDEAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARDisplayInstanceList(DisplayInstanceMap dInstanceList,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that an object variable of type DisplayInstanceMap contain values and that the values are legal. |
void |
validateAREntry(Entry value,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that an object of type String representing EntryListInfo contains a array of values and that the values are legal. |
void |
validateAREntryIdList(String value,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that an object of type String representing EntryListInfo contains a array of values and that the values are legal. |
void |
validateAREntryIdListList(List<String> entryIds,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that a List of type String of entryIds each contain a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateAREntryListFieldInfo(List<EntryListFieldInfo> getListFields)
Validate that List of objects of type EntryListFieldInfo each contains a legal columnWidth and separator and that the total length specified is within the limits of the allowed value. |
void |
validateAREntryListFieldList(List<EntryListFieldInfo> entryListFields)
Validate that a List of type EntryListFieldInfo each contain a legal columnWidth and separator and that the total length specified is within the limits of the allowed value. |
void |
validateARExtReferenceInfo(ExternalReference extRef)
Validate that an object of type ExternalReference contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARFieldAssignList(List<FieldAssignInfo> fieldList,
boolean nullOK)
Validate that List of objects of type FieldAssignInfo each contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARFieldDefaultValue(Field arg1)
void |
validateARFieldLimitInfo(Field field)
Validate that an object variable of type FieldLimit contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARFieldMapping(Field field,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that an object variable of type FieldMapping contains a valid value. |
void |
validateARFieldValueOrArithInfo(ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand arg1,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that object of type ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARFilterActionInfo(FilterAction action,
boolean esclFlag,
boolean elseFlag)
Validate that an object of type FilterAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARFilterActionList(List<FilterAction> actionList,
boolean esclFlag,
boolean elseFlag,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that a List of objects of type FilterAction each contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARForm(Form object,
boolean createForm)
void |
validateARFormType(Form form,
boolean nullOk)
Validates that an object of type Form contains value and that the value is legal |
void |
validateARFunctionAssignInfo(FunctionAssignInfo function)
validate that an object of type FunctionAssignInfo contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARGotoActionInfo(GotoAction gta)
Validate that an object of type GotoAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARGotoGuideLabel(GotoGuideLabelAction gtla)
Validate that an object of type GotoGuideLabelAction contains a value(Label) and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARIndexList(List<IndexInfo> indexInfo)
Validate that List of objects of type IndexInfo contains values and that the values are legal. |
void |
validateARLocaleType(String locale,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that an object variable of type String contains a value and that value is within the length limits of the system. |
void |
validateARNameList(List<String> formList,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that the List of objects of type String representing Form each contain values and that the values are legal. |
void |
validateARNameType(String name,
boolean nullOk)
void |
validateAROpenDlgInfo(OpenWindowAction owA)
Validate that an object of type OpenWindowAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateAROverlaidInfo(OverlaidInfo overlaidInfo)
Validates that an object of type OverlaidInfo contains value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARPermissionList(List<PermissionInfo> permissionList)
Validate that List of objects of type PermissionInfo each contains a value and that the value is within the limits of the allowed value. |
void |
validateARPropList(PropertyMap objPropList,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that a map of objects of type Values contain values and that the values are legal. |
void |
validateARPushFieldsAction(PushFieldsAction pfa)
Validate that an object of type PushFieldsAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARPushFieldsList(List<PushFieldsInfo> pfI)
Validate that List of objects of type PushFieldsInfo each contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARQualifierInfo(QualifierInfo qf,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that an object variable of type QualifierInfo contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARQualifierInfoList(List<QualifierInfo> qfList,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that List of objects of type PermissionInfo each contains a value and that the value is within the limits of the allowed value. |
void |
validateARQueryValueInfo(QueryInfo qf)
void |
validateARReferenceInfo(Reference references)
Validate that an object of type Reference contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARReferenceList(List<Reference> references)
Validate that List of objects of type Reference each contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARRelOpInfo(RelationalOperationInfo relOp)
void |
validateARServerInfoList(ServerInfoMap serverInfoMap)
Validate that a Map of ServerInfo objects each contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARServerInfoRequestList(int[] arg1)
Validate that array of integers representing ServerInfoRequest each contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARServerInfoRequestList2(int[] requestList)
Validate that an array integers representing requestList contain values and that the values are legal (for ServerStatistics). |
void |
validateARServerNameType(String serverName,
boolean nullOk)
void |
validateARService(ServiceAction svc)
Validate that an object of type ServiceAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARSetFieldsAction(SetFieldsAction sfa)
Validate that an object of type SetFieldsAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARSortList(List<SortInfo> sortInfo)
Validate that an object of type SortInfo contain values and that the values are legal. |
void |
validateARSqlCommand(String arg1)
Validate that a String object representing SQL Command contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARSQLInfo(DirectSqlAction dsqa)
Validate that an object of type DirectSQLAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARStatistic(int statistic)
void |
validateARStringType(String arString,
int maxLen,
boolean nullOk)
void |
validateARStringType(String arString,
int maxLen,
int errorCode)
Validate string to see if it is null or length is equal to zero or exceeds the max length specified. |
void |
validateARStringType(String arString,
int maxLen,
int emptyError,
int tooLongError,
boolean nullOk)
Validate string to see if it is null or exceeds the max length specified. |
void |
validateARStructItemList(List<StructItemInfo> items,
boolean importFlag)
Validate that a List of type StructItemInfo each contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARValueInfo(Value value)
Validate that an object of type Value contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARValueList(List<Value> values)
Validate that an object of type Value List contains a list of values and that those values are legal. |
void |
validateARValueSetQuery(ValueSetQuery valueSetQuery)
Validates that an object of type ValueSetQuery contains value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateARView(View object)
void |
validateARWait(WaitAction wa)
Validate that an object variable of type WaitAction contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateBuffer(String buffer)
void |
validateEscalationTm(EscalationTimeCriteria escalationTm)
void |
validateMenuInfo(Menu arg1,
boolean nullOk)
Validate that an object variable of type Menu contains a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateOneField(Field fieldObj,
boolean createField)
boolean |
validatePasswordFieldsInServerInfoList(ServerInfoMap srvInfoMap)
void |
validateQueryFormField(QueryFormField queryField)
Validates that an object of type QueryFormField contains information about field's source and a valid id. |
void |
validateQueryFormFields(List<QueryFormField> queryFields)
Validates the List of type QueryFormField of queryFields. |
void |
validateQueryJoin(IQuerySource querySource)
Validates a join information of an object of type IQuerySource. |
void |
validateQuerySource(IQuerySource querySource)
Validates that an object of type IQuerySource is of a correct type, contains value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateQuerySources(List<IQuerySource> querySources)
Validate that a List of type IQuerySource of querySources each contain a value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateRecursiveQuery(RecursiveQuery recQuery)
Validates that an object of type RecursiveQuery contains value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateRegularQuery(RegularQuery query)
Validates that an object of type RegularQuery contains value and that the value is legal. |
void |
validateSupportFileType(int fileType)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public ParameterValidator()
public ParameterValidator(String serverCharSetName)
Method Detail |
public final void validateARForm(Form object, boolean createForm) throws ARException
public final void validateARView(View object) throws ARException
public final void validateARServerInfoRequestList2(int[] requestList) throws ARException
public final void validateAREntryListFieldList(List<EntryListFieldInfo> entryListFields) throws ARException
public final void validateAREntryIdListList(List<String> entryIds, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateAREntryIdList(String value, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateAREntry(Entry value, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARCommand(String arg1) throws ARException
public final void validateARSqlCommand(String arg1) throws ARException
public final void validateARFieldValueOrArithInfo(ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand arg1, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARQueryValueInfo(QueryInfo qf) throws ARException
public final void validateARArithOpInfo(ArithmeticOperationInfo arthOp) throws ARException
public final void validateARRelOpInfo(RelationalOperationInfo relOp) throws ARException
public final void validateARStatistic(int statistic) throws ARException
public final void validateBuffer(String buffer) throws ARException
public final void validateARStructItemList(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean importFlag) throws ARException
public boolean validatePasswordFieldsInServerInfoList(ServerInfoMap srvInfoMap)
public Value encryptValue(String charSet, Value argValue)
public final void validateARServerInfoList(ServerInfoMap serverInfoMap) throws ARException
public final void validateARServerInfoRequestList(int[] arg1) throws ARException
public final void validateARContainerOwnerObjList(List<ContainerOwner> containerOwner) throws ARException
public final void validateARContainerOwnerObj(ContainerOwner containerOwner) throws ARException
public final void validateARReferenceList(List<Reference> references) throws ARException
public final void validateARReferenceInfo(Reference references) throws ARException
public final void validateARExtReferenceInfo(ExternalReference extRef) throws ARException
public final void validateEscalationTm(EscalationTimeCriteria escalationTm) throws ARException
public final void validateARFilterActionList(List<FilterAction> actionList, boolean esclFlag, boolean elseFlag, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARActiveLinkActionList(List<ActiveLinkAction> actionList, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARActiveLinkActionInfo(ActiveLinkAction action) throws ARException
public final void validateARWait(WaitAction wa) throws ARException
public final void validateAROpenDlgInfo(OpenWindowAction owA) throws ARException
public final void validateARAutomationInfo(OleAutomationAction olaa) throws ARException
public final void validateARFilterActionInfo(FilterAction action, boolean esclFlag, boolean elseFlag) throws ARException
public final void validateARService(ServiceAction svc) throws ARException
public final void validateARCOMMethodList(List<COMMethodInfo> methodList, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARCOMMethodInfo(COMMethodInfo cmi, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARCOMMethodParmList(List<COMMethodParmInfo> parameterList, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARCOMMethodParmInfo(COMMethodParmInfo cmpi, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARCOMValueInfo(COMValueInfo cvi, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARGotoGuideLabel(GotoGuideLabelAction gtla) throws ARException
public final void validateARCallGuide(CallGuideAction cga, int itemFilter) throws ARException
public final void validateARGotoActionInfo(GotoAction gta) throws ARException
public final void validateARSQLInfo(DirectSqlAction dsqa) throws ARException
public final void validateARPushFieldsAction(PushFieldsAction pfa) throws ARException
public final void validateARPushFieldsList(List<PushFieldsInfo> pfI) throws ARException
public final void validateARSetFieldsAction(SetFieldsAction sfa) throws ARException
public final void validateARFieldAssignList(List<FieldAssignInfo> fieldList, boolean nullOK) throws ARException
public final void validateARAssignInfo(AssignInfo assignment) throws ARException
public final void validateARArithOpAssignInfo(ArithOpAssignInfo arithOp) throws ARException
public final void validateARFunctionAssignInfo(FunctionAssignInfo function) throws ARException
public final void validateARDDEInfo(DDEAction dde) throws ARException
public final void validateARAssignSQLInfo(AssignSQLInfo sql) throws ARException
public final void validateARAssignFilterApiInfo(AssignFilterApiInfo filterApi) throws ARException
public final void validateARAssignFieldInfo(AssignFieldInfo field) throws ARException
public final void validateARNameList(List<String> formList, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARDisplayInstanceList(DisplayInstanceMap dInstanceList, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateOneField(Field fieldObj, boolean createField) throws ARException
public final void validateARFieldDefaultValue(Field arg1) throws ARException
public final void validateARFieldLimitInfo(Field field) throws ARException
public final void validateMenuInfo(Menu arg1, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARFieldMapping(Field field, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARFormType(Form form, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARLocaleType(String locale, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARPropList(PropertyMap objPropList, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARValueList(List<Value> values) throws ARException
public final void validateARValueInfo(Value value) throws ARException
public final void validateARIndexList(List<IndexInfo> indexInfo) throws ARException
public final void validateARCharMenuList(ListMenu lm, int level) throws ARException
public final void validateARCharMenuItemInfo(MenuItem item, int level) throws ARException
public final void validateARSortList(List<SortInfo> sortInfo) throws ARException
public final void validateAREntryListFieldInfo(List<EntryListFieldInfo> getListFields) throws ARException
public final void validateARPermissionList(List<PermissionInfo> permissionList) throws ARException
public final void validateARQualifierInfo(QualifierInfo qf, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARQualifierInfoList(List<QualifierInfo> qfList, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateSupportFileType(int fileType) throws ARException
public final void validateARNameType(String name, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARAccessNameType(String name, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARServerNameType(String serverName, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARStringType(String arString, int maxLen, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateARStringType(String arString, int maxLen, int errorCode) throws ARException
public final void validateARStringType(String arString, int maxLen, int emptyError, int tooLongError, boolean nullOk) throws ARException
public final void validateRegularQuery(RegularQuery query) throws ARException
public final void validateQuerySources(List<IQuerySource> querySources) throws ARException
public final void validateQuerySource(IQuerySource querySource) throws ARException
public final void validateQueryJoin(IQuerySource querySource) throws ARException
public final void validateQueryFormFields(List<QueryFormField> queryFields) throws ARException
public final void validateQueryFormField(QueryFormField queryField) throws ARException
public final void validateRecursiveQuery(RecursiveQuery recQuery) throws ARException
public final void validateARValueSetQuery(ValueSetQuery valueSetQuery) throws ARException
public final void validateAROverlaidInfo(OverlaidInfo overlaidInfo) throws ARException
AR System Java API | |||||||||