AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of Action in com.bmc.arsys.api

Subclasses of Action in com.bmc.arsys.api
 class CallGuideAction
          The CallGuideAction class is used to represent information about the Call Guide active link action.
 class ChangeFieldAction
          The ChangeFieldAction class is used to change display characteristics of fields.
 class CloseWindowAction
          The CloseWindowAction class is used to create and retrieve information about the Close Window active link action.
 class CommitChangesAction
          The CommitChangesAction class is used to create and retrieve information about the Commit Changes active link action.
 class DDEAction
          The DDEAction class specifies a DDE result value to assign in a Set Fields action.
 class DirectSqlAction
          The DirectSqlAction class represents the filter/active link action used to issue any legal SQL command to the database.
 class DSOAction
          This class extends the Run Process Action specifically for DSO process commands.
 class ExitGuideAction
          The ExitGuideInfo class is used to create and retrieve information about the Exit Guide active link action.
 class FilterMessageAction
          The FilterStatusInfo class returns the type of filter message error generated by a function call.
 class GotoAction
          The GotoActionInfo class is used to create and retrieve information about the Goto workflow action.
 class GotoGuideLabelAction
          The GotoGuideLabelInfo class is used to create and retrieve information about the Go To Guide Label workflow action.
 class LogAction
          The LogAction class is used to define the log to file workflow action within filters or escalations.
 class MessageAction
          The MessageAction class is used to define the message information that is generally used to display an interactive error, warning, or note.
 class NotifyAction
          The NotifyActionInfo class is used to to send a message to specified users or groups by email, Remedy Alert, or other mechanism for any transaction that meets the filter or escalation conditions.
 class OleAutomationAction
          The AutomationInfo class is used to define the information of an OLE Automation active link action.
 class OpenWindowAction
 class PushFieldsAction
          The PushFieldsAction class is used to change the values of fields in existing entries or create a new entry during a transaction.
 class RunMacroAction
          The ActiveLinkMacroInfo class lets you specify a macro to run whenever the active link is executed.
 class RunProcessAction
          The RunProcessAction class is used to define the run process workflow action within active links, filters or escalations.
 class ServiceAction
          The ServiceAction description
 class SetFieldsAction
          The SetFieldsAction class is used to change the values of fields during a transaction.
 class SetFieldsFromCurrentScreen
          Set Fields action as CURRENT SCREEN (active links), the field is set with a value that is not from the database.
 class SetFieldsFromCurrentTransaction
          Set Fields action as CURRENT TRANSACTION (filters and escalations), the field is set with a value that is not from the database.
 class SetFieldsFromFilterAPI
          For filters and escalations, user can pass values from the Set Fields window to a filter API plug-in service.
 class SetFieldsFromForm
          This class represents another type of setFields.
 class SetFieldsFromSQL
          This is a type of setfields.
 class SetFieldsFromWebService
          This class is a type of setField, where WEB SERVICE is used as the data source to enter data from the web service into the base form.
 class WaitAction
          The WaitInfo class represents the Wait active link action that causes the current guide to wait for user input.

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type Action
static int Action.getActionType(Action action, boolean isActiveLinkAction)
          take the workflow action, and return an action type that is defined in API Constants class.

AR System Java API

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