AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of FieldLimit in com.bmc.arsys.api

Subclasses of FieldLimit in com.bmc.arsys.api
 class AttachmentFieldLimit
          The AttachmentFieldLimit class defines the value limits for an attachment field (DataType.ATTACHMENT).
 class CharacterFieldLimit
          The CharacterFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a character field (DataType.CHAR).
 class ColumnFieldLimit
          The ColumnFieldLimit class represents the value limits for a column(DataType.COLUMN) field.
 class CurrencyFieldLimit
          The CurrencyFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a Currency (DataType.CURRENCY) field
 class DateOnlyFieldLimit
          The DateOnlyFieldLimit class defines the value limits for an integer(DataType.INTEGER) field.
 class DateTimeFieldLimit
          The DateTimeFieldLimit class defines the value limits for an integer(DataType.INTEGER) field.
 class DecimalFieldLimit
          The DecimalFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a decimal(DataType.DECIMAL) field
 class DiaryFieldLimit
          The DiaryFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a DiaryList(DataType.DIARY) field
 class DisplayFieldLimit
          The DisplayFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a display(DataType.DISPLAY) field.
 class IntegerFieldLimit
          The IntegerFieldLimit class defines the value limits for an integer(DataType.INTEGER) field.
 class RealFieldLimit
          The RealFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a real number(DataType.REAL) field.
 class SelectionFieldLimit
          The SelectionFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a selection(DataType.ENUM) field.
 class TableFieldLimit
          The TableFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a table(DataType.TABLE) field.
 class TimeOnlyFieldLimit
          The TimeOnlyFieldLimit class defines the value limits for an integer(DataType.INTEGER) field.
 class ViewFieldLimit
          The ViewFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a character(DataType.CHAR) field

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return FieldLimit
 FieldLimit Field.getFieldLimit()
          Returns the value limits for the field and other properties specific to the field's type.
 FieldLimit ExtFieldCandidatesInfo.getFieldLimitInfo()
          Returns list of field limits.

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type FieldLimit
 void ObjectPrinter.printFieldLimitInfo(String indent, String header, FieldLimit info)
 void Field.setFieldLimit(FieldLimit limit)
          Sets the value limits for the field and other properties specific to the field's type.

AR System Java API

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